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Is Satan really a bad person?

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satan caused the death of billions of humans by misleading the first humans


romans 5:12


Maybe people should stop calling Satan "evil" and call him humane instead. He didn't CAUSE the death of billions....


God warned Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge or they would die, this was actually either the REAL first lie or a threat, depending on how you interpret it. God had warned Eve that "in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die:" (Genesis 3:4; 2:17). They didn't die on the day they ate the apples.


God denied them access to the tree of life (immortality apples!) when he found out what badduns they been with the tree of knowledge.


Satan probably knew this would happen (possible he didn't know though) and he tempted them to eat from the tree of knowledge anyway.


Now, imagine if they hadn't eaten from the tree of knowledge, and were allowed to eat from the tree of life along with their decendants. That was a long time ago. How many generations later are we on now?


How many billions upon billions upon billions of immortal people would be crammed into every nook and cranny on Earth right now? Anyone think the energy crisis is bad already? Not to mention the economy, poverty and food shortages.


Satan the evil-doer or Satan the humanitarian?

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I like this one, God is almighty and he created Lucifer (I don't know why you brought Jesus into it). Why did he create him with "evil" in him? If he didn't, then why did he create Lucifer with the ability to turn evil when he has such an important job as an angel?


I never said that God was jealous of Lucifer. I said that maybe Lucifer aspired to be jealous, like God was (the old testament portrays God as a jealous, vengeful entity).


Please answer me this, if a boy's parents create him, should he be loyal and abide by their rules regardless of how they treat him?

As I understand it. God created all his creatures "as is", but how they behave and live is also down to them. It is down to each creature, man, angel whatever, to navigate back to heaven by living a moral life.


Some people say that each of us have both GOOD and EVIL within all of us. We can choose at any one point the good side, or the evil side of us. The more GOOD choices we make, the better our life is and more moral it is. The more EVIL choices we make, the more dark we become. The more immoral we are.


It is like the analogy of driving a car. God gave you the car, and he made you the driver (of your own destiny). He gave you the life and a destiny to choose. You can choose certain roads which are easier to drive. Or you can choose some roads which are harder to drive and with obstacles. How fast you drive, how skillful you turn the corner is still down to yourself. Will you crash? Will you drive slower to avoid potholes? That is still down to you. The decision maker is still down to you.



No, it does not work like that. There are universal rules like. Parents have responsibilities. Children have responsibilities. Boy do not have to do exactly as Parent say, but he must respect them. He still have choices within that boundary of respect, and under their responsibility too. If the parents were good parents, then they would know what to look out for, and pave their child's way very easily, and let the natural progression comes through. Yet, the responsibility to make the child learn in order to survive for the future is still a job that they must fulfill. Must parents will behave or act in a Mommy Duck way, hurdling the ducklings without stretching and pushing the child's button to such an extent that it will invoke their anger and EVIL side out of them. Basically they do not treat them so badly such that they become psycho killers with revengeful ideas. Which they take into their lives with them...

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in Gods eyes they died in a day ,adam died before reaching a 1,000 years of age (930) is recorded in genesis


2 peter3:8



Gods purpose / plan was to "FILL" the earth not overfill it so he must have a plan /purpose in mind regarding the amount of humans he wanted to live on the earth


genesis 1:28

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in Gods eyes they died in a day ,adam died before reaching a 1,000 years of age (930) is recorded in genesis


2 peter3:8



Gods purpose / plan was to "FILL" the earth not overfill it so he must have a plan /purpose in mind regarding the amount of humans he wanted to live on the earth


genesis 1:28


Really? Gosh. I can see why natural disaster happens. Even though whenever a religious person say that aloud publically, and it kind of creates a scaremongering effect. Maybe scientists and politicians can really do the maths and handle the problem, eh ? I sure would be dead by then when it overpopulates and fighting happens.

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Sigh. Ethics. Fundamental of religions. Psychology.


It seems that I was not so wrong to think that karma is also what Christianity have. Maybe you like to use the English language to dispel the idea, but it is similar.


See source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/beliefs/originalsin_1.shtml



To me, that is also the same as "Humanist" beliefs. Which is again, just basic fundamental theology which many major religion have too. Isn't that quite coincidental ? You say that my idea of Christianity is too basic ? What exactly are you looking for ? You probably have your own values or ethical values built up from various sources that you have been exposed to. So have I.


I still cannot quite get over the fact that some people like to analyse the stories way differently than the simplistic idea first.


I didn't say your idea of Christianity was too 'basic'. It is massively selective, as is your summarising of a multitude of other religions and philosophies in a crass attempt to assert that they are all basically saying the same thing.


What you are ignoring is their massive differences, and you are obscuring this blatant oversight behind a claim of an intuitive understanding of these philosophies which you claim is so profound that you don't even have to read about what you purport to understand so well, as by refering to what the authors of these ideas actually say yopu would be sullying your intuition with vulgar 'semantics'. Pull the other one!


The truth is rather different. Claiming that the the Old Testament is expounding the exact same universal and constant 'truths' as Buddhism (because they both refer to unavoidable consequences from actions) is a bit like claiming Fred West and Charlie Chaplin were both motivated by the same desires (because they both liked chocolate).

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in Gods eyes they died in a day ,adam died before reaching a 1,000 years of age (930) is recorded in genesis


2 peter3:8

Then he was deceiving them with double-speak.


Gods purpose / plan was to "FILL" the earth not overfill it so he must have a plan /purpose in mind regarding the amount of humans he wanted to live on the earth


genesis 1:28

So once a certain population level had been reached he would either..


have the human race sterilised, meaning that none of us or our loved ones would be here now


he would have culled the older generations


he would have turned the human race mortal at that point


I'm glad the first instance never happened. The other two mean that they would have died whether they ate from the tree of knowledge or not.


By the way Lee, I want to thank you for taking part and discussing this. I want you to know that I am NOT baiting or antagonising you and if you feel unhappy by any of it please say so and I will cease with the theorising/speculating etc.

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right at the beginning it said the earth was uninhabitable


genesis 1:2


no light , no vegetation , etc



this is purely speculation ,if God claims he made this planet inhabitable why couldnt he do the same with others ? in fact we are surounded by space loads of the stuff

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Sorry to derail.



Originally Posted by salsafan

Huh ? If I am not the one who do not get it, then why did you respond with SUUUUUCH outrage ?


"for Chris's sake, you're just making it up as you go along!"


What exactly am I making up? You asked me why and I explained why. Do you know SOME psychology 101 ???



Oh alright then. Up to you.

Does anyone else have trouble making sense of Salsa's posts and their relevance to the quotes she replies to ?

You wrote a sentence "for Chris's sake, you're just making it up as you go along!"


I took that as you acting as if you were outraged. You laughed at that there after and complained that is not what you meant, even though that is what you wrote. :roll:


Then I mimicked your dramatic manner by extending my response and acting in a childish way as you were doing too. :roll:


I threw in the comment about psychology 101, cos I presumed that most people understood the Bible in a similar way. Which is one of moral guidance, and interpretation to make sense of one's life. As it was full of human psychology, and dynamics.


I did not know I had to line by line interpret everything, as I thought you wrote that you had some background on Christianity. But I can see that, whatever you were exposed to, you did not understand it at all. Or maybe to be more fair to you, you interpreted it SO rationally than I thought anyone could for a Bible!

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right at the beginning it said the earth was uninhabitable


genesis 1:2


no light , no vegetation , etc



this is purely speculation ,if God claims he made this planet inhabitable why couldnt he do the same with others ? in fact we are surounded by space loads of the stuff


Fair enough, I suppose in that respect Satan could be to blame for a lot. I'd like to have visited another planet in my lifetime.


(waits for the bad joke from Salsa.....)

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