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Is Satan really a bad person?

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as regards the death of the firstborn in Egypt this could of been avoided at any time by the pharaoh letting Gods people leave Egypt , so pharoah was responsible for there deaths


The Pharaoh could have saved them, but he wasn't responsible for their deaths was he? He didn't kill them.

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Does anyone else have trouble making sense of Salsa's posts and their relevance to the quotes she replies to?


Yes indeed:nod:


I sure would be dead by then when it overpopulates and fighting happens.


Not necessarily, the global population is quickly reaching "tipping point", arable land is already a premium commodity.


Whether English is my first language is really not relevant here.


Actually, it is, especially in terms of a discussion (hence the term "it loses something in the translation"). It could be the reason you continually think you're "being oppressed" or attacked on here.


That is because people do not read what is written and think before they respond.


Ah, you mean add stuff that wasn't said.


I read exactly the words I see before me and respond accordingly. You're now suggesting that we lie?:o


Not everybody is like yourself wanting a challenging debate


That's the whole point of a debate/forum. If you don't want your words to be challenged, then don't post them. Simple, really.:thumbsup:


There I go using blinkin' language again!

I'm sorry, but until I develop telepathic powers, I'm stuck with having to communicate on the internet through written language. I realise this is very unfair on you.


Thanks, I needed a laugh.:hihi:


First of all. I did not say I was here to debate


Ah, so you registered in order to simply randomly rant, on an internet discussion forum?


So, just what exactly are you here for (other than to antagonise as many people as possible - something you seem to excel at)?


don't feed the trolls.


Sometimes though, it can be fun:D.


I find that offensive actually.


There's a surprise.:rolleyes:


Oh you find THAT offensive! Are you serious?


  • Your (ludicrously long) posts barely make sense half the time.
  • You've insulted and butted heads with half the good people on SF.
  • Despite being a total newbie, you absolutely refuse to post any kind of evidence when called out on any issue.
  • You demean every poster with patronising comments like "why so angry / upset / blinkered".

You appear to have nothing of consequence to post, and a single day of responding to your egocentric and closed-minded comments was more than enough.


How about taking a break, or, going on a personal quest for some humility. Or, more preferably, learning to listen (read) before posting. You simply come across as yet another delusional conspiracy nut. And, really, we've had way too many of those on the forum.




You're a mod. Should you not moderate here? Since this is against forum rules to be so off topic ? I have already reported these harassing posts too.


Oh this is funny. You need some serious help.


You were insulting when my intent was not to debate with you.


To post, with no intent of debate, is insulting to everyone that uses SF and shows nothing but contempt. Then you bleat and whine when you're treat in a similar manner. You're just another religious hypocrite.


All since I left last night.:hihi:

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Yes indeed:nod:




Not necessarily, the global population is quickly reaching "tipping point", arable land is already a premium commodity.




Actually, it is, especially in terms of a discussion (hence the term "it loses something in the translation"). It could be the reason you continually think you're "being oppressed" or attacked on here.



Ah, you mean add stuff that wasn't said.


I read exactly the words I see before me and respond accordingly. You're now suggesting that we lie?:o




That's the whole point of a debate/forum. If you don't want your words to be challenged, then don't post them. Simple, really.:thumbsup:




Thanks, I needed a laugh.:hihi:




Ah, so you registered in order to simply randomly rant, on an internet discussion forum?


So, just what exactly are you here for (other than to antagonise as many people as possible - something you seem to excel at)?




Sometimes though, it can be fun:D.




There's a surprise.:rolleyes:








Oh this is funny. You need some serious help.


You can say that I was judging them on them, and I was not adding stuff that they did not say.


What is also obvious to me is that others judge ME by their own psychological projection too. Why would I think certain things? When I do not, but then they insinuated that I did ? In Jungian terms, that is displacement of their thinking. When I throw this back at them, they reject this.


As I written many times before, some of the posts written were with a different intent, does not mean the the recipient, me, did not feel insulted. Just like so many other cheap shots here. I cannot find the words to describe those actions and so forth to get myself protected, but yes, I found it intimidating. Yet, they cannot even keep on topic, even when courtesy have been given.


This whole episode with Rootsbooster came from the sexualisation of women's thread, whereby I folded and said diplomatically that maybe Mr Moron had indeed been misquqoting out of flow and out of context, and still even now, he has not let go.


Also, on this topic, if the guy understood and seriously was out there to accept other people's viewpoints and wants to learn, as he said in one of the thread, then why did HE took offence at some of the comments which were related to the topic itself ????


If he found my long posts too much to read, then he does not have to read it. If he was unsure in some areas, he can always ask for clarification instead of insinuating and taking the mick.


To post, with no intent of debate, is insulting to everyone that uses SF and shows nothing but contempt. Then you bleat and whine when you're treat in a similar manner. You're just another religious hypocrite.


All since I left last night.:hihi:


So, you speak for all members here? The way that some people discuss things are not the same as many other forum members here. If the moderators think that someone else have broken the rules, then surely they would?



Debate. (Presuming it is like Question Time style with antagonism.)


I do not see that at all happening here. It is the style that people communicate with others that I have a problem with.


I do not see others being challenged and harrassed here:






Huh. For the record, I did not say that I am religious. I said I am spiritual. Please accept that preference of mine. Thanks !

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I did not say that I am religious. I said I am spiritual. Please accept that preference of mine. Thanks !


So why the need for the bible and your questioning of RootsBooster about their understanding of christianity and the bible when you're not religious?

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Then search for BNP, or EDL, or muslims. You'll find plenty of debates and challenging viewpoints.


Some of them are currents affair subjects where one expects this kind of response and style as described in a more formal debate. I also expect individuals have some knowledge of the topic at hand too. Yet, if you took offence and thought that I was generalising when I was not, then that is my problem is it? Cos that was not my intent but you took it as so. Yet, if you do not point that out to me. I cannot clarify. Same with the OP here on certain issues too. Yet, it seriously did not take long for many others to gather round to have a good dig.


So why should this thread, when it was a story as created by the OP, and it is really open for interpretation as one wish to be challenged as so ?


Also, when I do use simplistic method to describe the bible, as it is taught to most young Christian kids in reflecting the moral of the story, this was rejected by others! They criticised me on something else, and not of my interpretation, which really wound me up.

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Some of them are currents affair subjects







All from the top half of the front page.


Anything that is on the front page is (by definition) current affairs.


Whilst ever you (or anyone else posts on a current thread) then it is current.


If you don't wish to have your posts challenged (especially on such an emotive subject as religion) then it would be better for you not to post on said threads, by doing so, you're going to provoke a response from someone sooner or late, usually negative (due to your aggressive posting style).

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They criticised me on something else, and not of my interpretation, which really wound me up.


I've worked it out: Satan is among us and working her magic on this very thread! :hihi:


The power of Chris compels you!!!

The power of Chris compels you!!!

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So why should this thread, when it was a story as created by the OP, and it is really open for interpretation as one wish to be challenged as so?


So you think it's OK for you to challenge posters on her, yet it's not for other users to challenge you?


Yep, more hypocrisy, especially as it was you that resurrected a two month old thread.


Also, when I do use simplistic method to describe the bible, as it is taught to most young Christian kids in reflecting the moral of the story, this was rejected by others!


Why tell me this? It bears no relation to my post (and the one you quoted, to boot).

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So why the need for the bible and your questioning of RootsBooster about their understanding of christianity and the bible when you're not religious?

Religion interests me in general. As does Philosophy. I also see correlation between religion and the modern day interpretation and social acceptance of psychology. It does have interesting relationship between these subjects. Thread reappeared. I responded.


Please see where Rootsbooster started to pick a fight. Read 747 onwards. I wrote 727. It was Rootsbooster who started to provoke me with a sarcastic one liner in 728. If he said that, then why should I not start discussing the topic with him ? I responded to things he wrote. (Unbeknown to him then, both from everything up until this thread was dug back up in Sept, up to his responses to my post. If he doesn't like my post, he do not have to reply to it!) If he understood the subject of Christianity, and Satan blah blah. Then why the reason for this thread??? Is it not cos he does not understand the subject, or what ?


If he knows the subject well, then isn't creating this like trolling ?? For the sake of it?


To be honest, you brought it back alive in 770, but then he went ahead and threw a wobbly on 773. Then I gave him courtesy in 776 to see where he wants the direction of the thread to go, as I asked him to clarity the little story of Gordon and Sam ! Hoping that he'll pick back up the dummy that he threw out of the pram of.

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