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Is Satan really a bad person?

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Let me repeat this for you.


Please see where Rootsbooster started to pick a fight. Read 747 onwards. I wrote 727. It was Rootsbooster who started to provoke me with a sarcastic one liner in 728. If he said that, then why should I not start discussing the topic with him ? I responded to things he wrote. (Unbeknown to him then, both from everything up until this thread was dug back up in Sept, up to his responses to my post. If he doesn't like my post, he do not have to reply to it!) If he understood the subject of Christianity, and Satan blah blah. Then why the reason for this thread??? Is it not cos he does not understand the subject, or what ?


Outrageously un-be-LIEVE-able. Try reading your post, oh #729 where you CLEARLY started with your usual behaviour. You attacked him with your condescending attitude. Roots hadn't done a thing at that point...


See. You can't even reasonably look back over posts...


Now, re-read those, digest, and then you can come back with some humility.

I took offence at Rootsbooster's sarcastic comment on post 728.


I wrote a comment about what I think of people's behaviour in terms of Satanic way. Yes. Yet, did I say who those people were, and are ? When someone insults you for no reasons, or do not explain to you, or that they think they are just, and override you anyway, then, yes, in my eyes, they are being a tad evil.


Rootsbooster did not have to then quote my post and all the rest. Roots HAVE done A HELL OF A LOT, in the other Lib Dem thread, as well as then on this thread but on someone else. So was I weary of him at that point, yes. I also pointed out who I found him to be weary and antagonistic, to which he said he was not aware of. Then I said, why did the poster left he is was being antagonistic etc... Then I felt sorry for saying this and I gave the thread a chance, and went back to this silly Gordon and Sam story. Then I thought I better stay on topic for topic sake, unless Rootsbooster decides to kick off again !


You may argue that I should not get involved in other people's fights, then yes, I agree with you to a point.


I have thought about my posts and I am adamant of where I stood. The question is do YOU know where I was coming from? No. Cos you still continue to go on about it. Cos if I do not explain myself, then you would not have been able to see where I was coming from.


As for yourself, you should know what threads of mine you got involved in, and why I am weary of you. The same with Rootsbooster.

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I took offence at Rootsbooster's sarcastic comment on post 728.


Then you really REALLY need to chill out as he was making a statement. You CHOSE to interpret it as sarcasm and you CHOSE to react to it.


These are not the actions of a 'spiritual' person.


This attempt to justify yourself is transparent in the extreme. I wish you could see that and just relax.


There's absolutely no need to respond so negatively to SO MANY posters.

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Apologies, indeed it wasn't.


No you're not. You have the most antagonistic posting style I've seen on SF for quite a while. Not a pretty trait at all.

For the record, people had been making fun of me. I am here to defend myself to those who have done that. Hence my response to you too.


Sorry if you take it that way, is all I can say! Cos you can skip my posts, as I have done so on some really bad threads and posts everywhere else. Do you see me kick off there ?



Originally Posted by salsafan

Because I am trying to defend myself here, as you are criticising me on my actions are you not ?

Let me rephrase that, I find your posts regarding me, criticising, on a personal level. More than it needs to be for a supposed topic such as religion.


Based on your response, I presume that you did not think that you were being the offensive at all, cos if you did not, then I would not have felt I needed to defend myself.

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Then you really REALLY need to chill out as he was making a statement. You CHOSE to interpret it as sarcasm and you CHOSE to react to it.


These are not the actions of a 'spiritual' person.


This attempt to justify yourself is transparent in the extreme. I wish you could see that and just relax.


There's absolutely no need to respond so negatively to SO MANY posters.


Then why are you still writing here and trolling me ! Yet, telling me not to feel wound up, whilst you still troll me ?! FFS.

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Then why are you still writing here and trolling me ! Yet, telling me not to feel wound up, whilst you still troll me ?! FFS.


I'm telling you to CHILL OUT!


Honestly, you're like the reincarnation of Grahame with the way you bluster and get yourself wound up.

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I'm telling you to CHILL OUT!


Honestly, you're like the reincarnation of Grahame with the way you bluster and get yourself wound up.


Get lost. I am not going to listen to someone whom I do not trust. And someone who had been trolling me and winding me up as well as criticising me personally. I think you got a nerve. End of!


[ADDED] In case you do not get it. STOP POSTING ABOUT ME AND QUOTING ME!

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I took offence at Rootsbooster's sarcastic comment on post 728.







Again though, if we are to interpret Satan as a metaphor, are we also to interpret God as a metaphor?


This pretty much encapsulates your whole attitude. You attribute evil motivations to others without even understanding what they are saying, or what spirit it is said in.


Furthermore, you justify your own arrogance and rudeness through these paranoid misinterpretations of other posters and their motivations.


Your aggression obviously causes further confrontation, and when you have annoyed enough people, you play the victim card, claiming that you are being picked on by the 'Forum police'.


To me the acid test is a look at the content of your numerous and lengthy contributions. About 80% of them are devoted to defending your ego and making recriminations and accusations against other posters. Some of the remainder actually makes claims about a religious and philosophical outlook by which it is clear from your attitude to others that you do not adhere to in real life.

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