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Is Satan really a bad person?

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Have you read the OP yet Grahame?


Also, how do you know what I do or don't believe?


Why do you think it's silly to believe in God?


This Graham seems a popular chap.


I'm guessing from your posts that you are an atheist which means it is silly to blame God for everything. It is not silly to believe in God, but it is silly to blame someone you do not believe in.

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It was you who said




I was only going from that. You can't have it both ways, if god is responsible for good, then he is also responsible for evil.


I know what I said- its how you and I understand things. I am looking it at a theistic point of view, whilst you see it from an atheist point.


My point being (in previous post) is that you would need to define the word create- as atheists don't see a purpose behind the universe and theists do- so they can easily balance everything and understand the ways of the world- both good and bad.

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If Agbus really is Grahame returned, then these ignorant posts of his are obviously to get the thread closed again. I would ask us all to try and get back on topic, as from experience we know what happens when he gets like this.


So, the reasons that have been put forward so far for believing Satan to be evil are..


He just is


He was responsible for the first lie (debatable, there's evidence to suggest that God told the first lie)


He tempts people (no examples given of any "evil" temptations)



... am I missing any?

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I didn't know that, could you link a source or biblical referance point for me please?.


Which part? The plagues that afflicted Egypt I am sure you know about- all 3 Abrahamic religions account something about it.


If it was the second part, then I was merely pointing out that to understand the concept of evil, one would need to understand a lot more.


Something I unfortunately don't have time for but either way it will digress from topic.

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If Agbus really is Grahame returned, then these ignorant posts of his are obviously to get the thread closed again. I would ask us all to try and get back on topic, as from experience we know what happens when he gets like this.


So, the reasons that have been put forward so far for believing Satan to be evil are..


He just is


He was responsible for the first lie (debatable, there's evidence to suggest that God told the first lie)


He tempts people (no examples given of any "evil" temptations)



... am I missing any?


What was the first lie.


It was Satan who tempted Adam and Eve.

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This Graham seems a popular chap.


I'm guessing from your posts that you are an atheist which means it is silly to blame God for everything. It is not silly to believe in God, but it is silly to blame someone you do not believe in.


As I've already told you, I'm not an atheist.


As you're completely ignoring the opening post and persisting with this "blaming someone you don't believe in" nonsense, I can only assume that you are trying to derail the thread and get it closed. If you continue I will have no choice but to report it.

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