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Is Satan really a bad person?

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We did.


Have you actually bothered to read the bible?


Satan was god's right hand man, created by god (as was all the "heavenly host") who rebelled when "god" insisted they be subservient to man, hence the rebellion.


Therefore, "god" created satan, and (subsequently) evil.

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Yes I have, I've told you twice now that I'm not an atheist.


Although I'm usually open about this and have discussed it several times on threads, it's currently none of your beeswax as you've been so ignorant of the thread and intent on derailing it.


So, someone who INFLUENCES others to do bad (Satan- examples?) is worse than someone who DOES bad as long as he gets what he wants (God) ?


Stan gets people into trouble. Without Stan the world would be a better place.

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Nope, Atheism is simply a lack of belief in god, it does not 'embrace a belief in evil'. I certainly don't believe in evil as an actual thing, to me its just a word used to describe various action. This is completely irrelevant though, you appear to be avoiding my very simple question.


No it wouldn't. I cannot deal with everyone, everyone is not here. You are, so we can deal with what you believe. If you're uncomfortable discussing your beliefs about Satan for whatever reason, that's fine, just say so but don't just dodge the questions like this.


I was not dodging question- I will answer what I think I can or feel I want to.


Firstly, I am not coming from a Christian POV so anything related to God is all good, love all etc does not apply.


When I mention good, I mean although I believe whatever good we do (lets accept for discussion purposes you're a theist) can be seen as coming from God- by this I mean that for goodness to exist, there has to be something from where it stems from.


For evil to be present- the same applies. It has to stem from something/someone.


So, I believe Satan exists and all evil stems from Satan- whichever way this is manifested and carried out. I don't believe Satan was evil originally.


To give an example, say you have two kids. Both are good, kind, pride and joy of their parents. Later on, one begins to show a different side, perhaps some change occurs within etc. The parents will say 'he/she was never like that before'. Its something we hear all the time and happens in real life and may have happened to someone we know.


This is how I see Satan- was good but not perfect. Had something inside that allowed it to think and make a decision/choice.

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Stan gets people into trouble. Without Stan the world would be a better place.


But if the person that created Stan did so in full knowledge that he would disrupt the world, then whoever created "Stan" was responsible for anything and everything done by or in "Stan's" name, ie. god.

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No he didn't, the Pharaoh had 0 chances. God took away his free will and made it so that he would say no. It says so 8 different times in the bible. It was all just a show, to placate God's ego.


The hostage situation in Egypt was similar to any modern hostage situation that involves people like the SAS or even whole armies.


The hostage takers are given numerous opportunities to let the people go and each time they refuse, their heart gets harder. You are blaming the rescuers.

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