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Has Nick Clegg been reading Sheffield Forum ?

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The test for Clegg will come with the Tories' reform privatisiation of the NHS. Conference today forced him to accept a motion condemning the reforms, but will he act on it ?


Cameron is trying to force through Lansley's plans for a top down reorganisation , despite promising not to do so in the coalition agreement,


Clegg won't want to rock the boat, especially as he's the last person anyone would throw a life-jacket to.



Saw this great comment on The Guardian website earlier:



Let's face it Nick. Your only relevance was to provide a platform for these Tory madmen to destroy the country using you as a human ( sic) shield.


They continue to hide behind you because you are that most dangerous of individuals a career politician and thereby are willing to shed ANY beliefs, ideals or moral standpoints in the pursuit of power.


You are a laughing stock. It is your fault as you do not wish to hear the sniggers of the Tories as opprobrium is heaped upon you and not on them.


You are so supine you'd make a good carpet for the Tories to wipe their feet on.


I hope you're happy now. From the look on your face I think not.


In the words of John Lennon,


" How do you sleep.'

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I thought he said (especially about tuition fee's) that if the Lib Dems were in power then the decisions that have been made would not have been, you know, if he was in charge


So why didn’t he and his party vote against them or at least abstained ……………. Because they are in “power” and have to tow the party ( Tory ) line.



Some stand up for what they belief while the rest are sheep.


Twenty-one Lib Dem MPs rebelled, along with six Conservatives.


The coalition motion, backed by 323 votes to 302, would raise fees to a maximum of £9,000 a year.




you do know that david cameron is the prime minister yeah???

Being in power doesn’t mean being prime minister, the coalition party are in power.

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Imagine what it would be like if he had the balls to stand up for what he beliefs in.


Have you ever considered the possibility that Clegg, like a good number of modern politicians, believes in nothing other then grabbing power for himself?


That's the assumption I think needs to be taken for all politicians I'm afraid.

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I thought he said (especially about tuition fee's) that if the Lib Dems were in power then the decisions that have been made would not have been, you know, if he was in charge


Silly argument. All LibDem ministers have been whipped to vote with the government. The changes have been voted though with the LibDems as enablers. It's no mistake that the number of LibDem ministers + number of Con MPs equals the number needed to vote things through. It's why they have had to 'own' the coalition's policies.


The high number of LibDem ministers is not a victory but rather a sign of them being used. Clegg could have gone for a lesser number of ministers, allowing each bill to be voted through on merit by non-ministerial LibDems.

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Clegg is Camerons little Bitch boy, simples.


I think in public school parlance Clegg is Camerons 'fag'.


"A Fag was used as the term for a servant/slave in the Victorian era onwards in private and public school boarding establishments in England. The elder upper class students would have a younger child fag for them. It was one form of abuse and bullying which was expected in boarding schools, and teachers turned a blind eye to it. Thankfully it is no longer tolerated." (Except by Liberal Democrat leaders)

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