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What are the real rules pertaining to posting on the forum?

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I posted a message earlier today on the forum. It was a somewhat flippant reply on the 'Free Justin Bieber' thread.


I asked why - if there shold be 'Free Justin Biebers' were they more valuable than 'Free Gary McKinnons"or "Free whales."


It apears that somebody on the moderating team took exception to my post and deleted it.


My post did not contravene any of the forum rules, but it was censored - not moderated.


Is censorship a part of this forum, if so, why?


Moderation allows for any post which contravenes the rules to be removed.


Censorship allows any person granted the right of modifying/deleting posts on this forum to do so without being in any way answerable to the poster.


I thought this was a moderated forum (and I"m glad that it is.)


It appears that SF has moved from being a moderated (IMO good) forum to being a censored forum. Censorship is undesireable, but when censorship is not justified (as in the censors can't be bothered to justify their actions) then the impartiality of the forum is (IMO) open to question.


Why are the moderators (censors) not responsible for their actions?


Why are they not obliged:

(1) to inform the individual poster of the reason a post has been edited/deleted.

(2) to tell the forum members (where appropriate) that a particular member has had a post removed/modified because that post constituted a significant breach of forum rules.


The forum rules should apply to us all.


They should apply to those who post here and to those who moderate the forum.


It appears that they do not.

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And a short while later my original post (on the 'Freebies therad)"re-appeared.


THat helps.


But why can't the censors be required to contact each individual and tell him/her why the post was removed at the time?


I assume (I"m a very assumptious person) that somebody reviewed the censorship and reversed it. Thanks.


Not good enough, though. If there are people working for this forum who have the power to edit/delete posts, why do they lack the responsibility to account for their actions?


My post has re-appeared.


To re-appear, it had to have been deleted.


Who deleted it and why?

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There will always be problems. Nothing is perfekt.


The '' swearie' checker on this forum is far from perfect.

I can mention 'Scunthorpe' but I can't use the word "****' (embedded)

I can't mention the name of one of the mountains around here "W***' because that's very rude


I Can't mention the village called F*****g, because that's rude, too.


I CAN talk about 'Furzeton' (near Milton Keynes.) There's nothing wrong with talking about a place called Fart-sound. :hihi:


There is a poster on this forum who calls him/herself "Mushy".


Hilarious! If I use that word in a post, it's banned (a bit like Scunthorpe) -or parts thereof.


I have no problems with moderation. It's necessary.


I do have problems with 'disappearing posts'- particularly when the person who deleted them hasn't got the common courtesy to say why.


The Forum operators would prefer that we contact them directly (rather than posting on the forum) in the event of a dispute.


So where's the (Obvious) hyperlink?


Most of us are well-behaved (most of the time.)


Moderation is not an easy task - I do it on another forum.


I get paid for my work (and I presume that the people who run this forum get paid too.)


I'm accountable.


Why can't those with the power to delete posts on this forum be accountable too?


I haven't finished yet.


Moderation standards:


As variable as the wind!:hihi::hihi:


SH(real letter 'I')T is not a swearword. It's a perfectly good English word.


THe standard of moderation is inconsistent.


Is :

**** a sweary?

How bout ****?

Or Crap?

or Arse?


They might not be polite words, but they are hardly obscene. And under English law, surely obscenities should be the words which are banned?


If you don't like the way this forum is run, then you are entitled to go elsewhere.


But that's not the limitation to your complaint.


Sheffield Forum makes its money from advertisers ( we don't pay much, do we?)


So if you're REALLY ****** off, tell the advertisers.


They may well listen.

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.I get paid for my work (and I presume that the people who run this forum get paid too.)


I'm fairly sure they do not.


I'm accountable.


Why can't those with the power to delete posts on this forum be accountable too?


They are accountable - but to the forum's owners, not to you or me.

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Mods on here are volunteers, and if we sent PMs to every poster that has a thread deleted then we would be on here 24/7.


LOL there's not THAT many threads deleted!


Besides, for every thread deleted, there's a nother one started saying "where did my thread go?" which then has to be deleted also. A short PM with the first deletion would prevent this

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Mods on here are volunteers, and if we sent PMs to every poster that has a thread deleted then we would be on here 24/7.


Are you trying to tell us that there are so many threads/posts being deleted it would take all day everyday to send out a quick message explaining why they were deleted?

If I thought that was true I'd be really worried about a, the draconian nature of the moderators or b,the offensive nature of the users on here.


P.S. Rupert, what's wrong with the word mushy? I had mushy peas with my tea last night and I was feeling mushy this morning.

Am I doing something naughty, I do hope so. My life could do with a bit of spice.

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Are you trying to tell us that there are so many threads/posts being deleted it would take all day everyday to send out a quick message explaining why they were deleted?

If I thought that was true I'd be really worried about a, the draconian nature of the moderators or b,the offensive nature of the users on here.


P.S. Rupert, what's wrong with the word mushy? I had mushy peas with my tea last night and I was feeling mushy this morning.

Am I doing something naughty, I do hope so. My life could do with a bit of spice.


OOh dirty mushy and spice in the same sentence :).

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