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What are the real rules pertaining to posting on the forum?

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Mods on here are volunteers, and if we sent PMs to every poster that has a thread deleted then we would be on here 24/7.


It could be automated. Any post or thread deleted automatically sends a PM out to the OP or the poster.


Though Sibon sent me a nice PM when He/She deleted one of my posts. I like Sibon.

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I posted a message earlier today on the forum. It was a somewhat flippant reply on the 'Free Justin Bieber' thread.




Why are the moderators (censors) not responsible for their actions?


Why are they not obliged:

(1) to inform the individual poster of the reason a post has been edited/deleted.

(2) to tell the forum members (where appropriate) that a particular member has had a post removed/modified because that post constituted a significant breach of forum rules.


The forum rules should apply to us all.


They should apply to those who post here and to those who moderate the forum.


It appears that they do not.


Personally I think a few of the moderators, one in particular on GD is a little over zealous and tiring. 'Don't attack the poser but the post'. That's a load of twaddle because I've seen many a post being removed because someone has attacked a post with "Only an idiot would post such tripe", which is totally different to "you're an idiot for posting such tripe. Mods are no different to anyone on here with the exception of their position, their position allows the blurred marriage of moderation and censorship. Censorship is very dangerous and more so frustrating if you're not informed. Maybe you weren't informed because intellect may have had to be used to explain their reasoning and have nothing to do with moderation..

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Guest sibon
It could be automated. Any post or thread deleted automatically sends a PM out to the OP or the poster.


Though Sibon sent me a nice PM when He/She deleted one of my posts. I like Sibon.


I was probably feeling a little under the weather when I did that:cool:


It really isn't feasible to PM everyone when posts are deleted. I do so if I think that my reasons might be misconstrued, or if the poster might feel aggrieved. I probably contact three or four people a week in that way. Generally speaking, I only delete things that really need to go.


We are volunteers too.

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should'nt there be somebody moderating the moderaters?:nod:


There is- it's called the admin team.


And there's someone to complain to if you feel that the admin team haven't handled a complaint or query properly either- and that's me.


This forum is not perfect. There is no way that it can be perfect because it exists in the real online world with people who can and do post offensive things and who make (and sometimes carry out) real threats to others posting on SF.


We try, on the whole, to get the balance of things which are removed and things which stay right. We can't say that we get it right all of the time, but we do try and if people think that we haven't go it right we've also got a method of communicating with the admin team to discuss the issue- that's called the Helpdesk.


We don't appreciate the tone that most of the 'questioning moderation' threads take, because the moderating team deserve not to be harangued on open forum, but also because the admin team can't be guaranteed to read the thread, whereas if you send a message to the Helpdesk then you'll be talking to the people who have the power to review moderating decisions, reverse decisions, retrain members of the moderating team if necessary and generally improve the experience of the forum.


The moderating team operate reactively, which means that for a thread to be removed, someone else must have reported the thread for some reason or another.


In any case, we reserve the right to remove posts or threads to maintain the balance, tone and readability of the forum, as well as because forum rules have been broken.


If you wish to enquire why a post or thread has been removed then the place to do that is at the HD, not here.

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