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Great britain not great anymore.

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Britain has gone down the pan we no longer make things and we are way to soft on every thing. We are a country of softies and anything for an easy life. I would like to see some of the back bone back that we used to have and lets get back to making things and selling what we make abroad like we used to do.Lets stop being a nation of consumers and become a nation where there is a job and the skills we once had,has we are we spend more make less buy in more than we make and sell to others.

THERE is way to many offices workers and shop workers and not enough of those making things like the steel workers and car factories and sewing factories all the old skills have gone or slowly dyeing we are now a nation of buyers how to we get back to a nation of producers and how can we stay a nation of buyers when we do not sell to other nations. We can no longer support this country like it was.

We are sinking fast and not many see it or want to do any thing about it, for once we may have a change to get back there with this government they are trying but have been left with all the **** by the last 20yrs of government being soft and distoring the soul of this country and the softy softy ways of letting any one get on with what ever they wanted.


I know a lot of you will disagree with me but they may be one or two that do agree.



thats exactly how i feel..we need to get a backbone.we are not great anymore everything has gone down the toilet that used to make this country great.gone are the steel industries that made our city of sheffield proud.i can see a big shake up coming the people of britain have had enough.we got a bunch of idiots running our country and they have sold us down the river:)

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i know a lot of you young ones will have never heard of enoch powell..but you older ones will have,he was very controversial on his stance of immigrants.but at the end of the day he was right.he was not ashamed to stand up and be heard.nowadays speak out and you are accused of being racist,this country is soft on the laws of this and people coming to our country immediatly hook up to the benefits system which was set up to help our own who had paid into the system through hard work and labour.surley this is not right and no wonder people are speaking out.

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there are all these goverment big wigs saying we need cut backs higher fule prices hight tax. people been mad redundent, companys been sold off. why dont this so called goverment take a pay cut. just think how much would be saved with out these massive pay cheques

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i know a lot of you young ones will have never heard of enoch powell..but you older ones will have,he was very controversial on his stance of immigrants.but at the end of the day he was right.he was not ashamed to stand up and be heard.nowadays speak out and you are accused of being racist,this country is soft on the laws of this and people coming to our country immediatly hook up to the benefits system which was set up to help our own who had paid into the system through hard work and labour.surley this is not right and no wonder people are speaking out.

yup its immigrants fault as usual :loopy:

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i know a lot of you young ones will have never heard of enoch powell..but you older ones will have,he was very controversial on his stance of immigrants.but at the end of the day he was right.he was not ashamed to stand up and be heard.nowadays speak out and you are accused of being racist,this country is soft on the laws of this and people coming to our country immediatly hook up to the benefits system which was set up to help our own who had paid into the system through hard work and labour.surley this is not right and no wonder people are speaking out.


What thing did Enoch Powell correctly predict?

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this is how i feel about things.gone are the days when you could walk out of one job and the next day get another.gone are the steel industries...and little manufacturing industries gone are the coal industries..our country buys cheaper abroad making our workers disfunctional..we been sold out.dont want to know about change and progression we was doing fine here in britain before the goverment decided to sell us down the pan.

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thats exactly how i feel..we need to get a backbone.we are not great anymore everything has gone down the toilet that used to make this country great.gone are the steel industries that made our city of sheffield proud.i can see a big shake up coming the people of britain have had enough.we got a bunch of idiots running our country and they have sold us down the river:)


Thank god Iam not the only one who sees it this way. The government that is in now is trying to get us out of the **** we are in and although I do not agree with everything they are doing they have to do it to put it right I see it that way. Lots will not but who else has tried the rest have got us this way and now how do we get it back only the hard way. Get out of the office's and start doing a good hard days work.

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