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Great britain not great anymore.

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so you agree the vast majority work?


Never said they did'nt, but I don't have any evidence one way or the other, the fact is the welfare state made GB appealing to many who have come here, that's not a criticism of them but the system OK :thumbsup:

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Never said they did'nt, but I don't have any evidence one way or the other, the fact is the welfare state made GB appealing to many who have come here, that's not a criticism of them but the system OK :thumbsup:

the majority of criticism on here tho is about the immigrants, and the vast majority seem to make out they are ALL spongers........which is false


tbh i think why most come here is because they know of the reputation, of the higher living standards than where they come from, and of the job opportunities etc being far higher


pity we're on the slide down now due to the "real" greedy ********

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I don't like greed any more than you mel, I am angered by greedy bankers businessmen and politicians as much as the next man !

most people seem to be blinkered tho, theyve taken the bait that immigrants are to blame, who generally have less than us, the rich want us to fight between ourselves, it takes the blame away from them.


as ive said before the rich get richer while we fight over the crumbs off the table.


its not right that people can make millions EXTRA while people are slowly getting shafted.

it seems to be par for the course to get a bonus whether theyve done well or not, everybody else on the other hand are lucky to get their wage frozen let alone go up by a few pence

yet we still blame people who in a lot of cases have nowt

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Come on guys this post is for you to have a rant as to why you think GB is going down hill and not who you blame, and it is not all down to our lack of immigration laws has agree this is just one reason has it give way to good cheap labour. But they do the jobs we say we do not want to do any longer so why not let them get on with it.We would not be allowed on sf to really have a good say on how we think about this subject would we. We could properly all get into some deep long graves for that one, and a hell of trouble too.

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