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Great britain not great anymore.

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Sorry but your reply is unrealistic and contains one of the most recent of facalcies about cheap labour. Just ask yourself how much the products have reduced in price that this cheap labour is producing.

Without wanting to sound offnesive is English your first or second language?


No Iam born and bred right here in sheffield my famliy is english right the way back as far has you can go on records. what I say about them coming here and working cheaper than we would is ture no one wants the dirty ill payed jobs any more, yet the immergants will so lets stop having a go at most of them and not but them or us in one big pot not everyone is the same:help: . Better not get any deeper.

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So why do vehicles from Northern Ireland have GB number plates whilst ones from Jersey, Alderney, Guernsey Isle of Man etc all have their own international identification letters such as GBA?


But thats still GB isn't it?


Maybe it's because GB somehow stands for the UK when it comes to international number plate identification? Maybe Uk was already taken?


Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and the Isle of Man are a part of the British Isles (Hence the GB as the first two letters in the country identifier) but they are not a part of the United Kingdom, nor are they a part of the EU.

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i know a lot of you young ones will have never heard of enoch powell..but you older ones will have,he was very controversial on his stance of immigrants.but at the end of the day he was right.he was not ashamed to stand up and be heard.nowadays speak out and you are accused of being racist,this country is soft on the laws of this and people coming to our country immediatly hook up to the benefits system which was set up to help our own who had paid into the system through hard work and labour.surley this is not right and no wonder people are speaking out.


We have a few different types of class, with many subgroups, and types eligible for such classes.


There are the upper echelons, of which there are many, determined by Birth.


And you have a few lower bands, for the majority.


Your working class is split up into many groups. You have a class which does not work, increasing in size due to the low value of labour.


And you have your immigrant classes.


Your asylum seekers gets a lower rate of welfare, although the housing component of welfare is superior to the housing component for any native. These people are forbidden to work for £.


Yet the other class has the worst housing situation in the country. A8 and A2 nationals get 0 help whatsoever. These people work, mainly through agencies whom are very happy to offer them minimum wage work, of which there is a fairly constant supply as the wages of many jobs drops are decreased to the minimum over time.

These people are forbidden £ help for housing.



What you end up with, is, low wages and poor housing.



Immigration has other implications too, social ones wrt national identity in particular. But lets look at the current financial discrimination and its effect upon the lower classes.

The immigrants are much like the working class majority, but a bit worse off, be it with regards to the ability to work for £, or to get £ help towards a minimum standard of housing (housing being controlled by the state and regulated very heavily).

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immagration needs to be stampd out befor it gets worse. you have familys comeing from all over to live in england they get free health care and benifits because for some reason our goverment thinks it has to give it to them . there are too meny free hand outs for immagrants who dont put money back into the system. an english family has to wait on average upto five years for a council houes depending on there situatuion. but you get familys of immagrants in four and five bedroom houses all paid for by our goverment now that cant be right, especialy wen we have so meny of our own country men and women who proberly deserve it more .

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immagration needs to be stampd out befor it gets worse. you have familys comeing from all over to live in england they get free health care and benifits because for some reason our goverment thinks it has to give it to them . there are too meny free hand outs for immagrants who dont put money back into the system. an english family has to wait on average upto five years for a council houes depending on there situatuion. but you get familys of immagrants in four and five bedroom houses all paid for by our goverment now that cant be right, especialy wen we have so meny of our own country men and women who proberly deserve it more .

oh give over, youve been reading too many daily mail stories

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I think it depends on your surroundings. I like where I live and I also have a place in a nice coastal area, all be it 350 miles away, if I want to get away from it all. I love Britain but would probably love any country if I had the same set up there. I think people who are less fortunate than me may despise this country and wish to be somewhere else. It's all relative is it not?:|

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We have a few different types of class, with many subgroups, and types eligible for such classes.

I agree with you about the sub humans they're the ones causing the trouble working for peanuts, pinching our jobs.

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I think it depends on your surroundings. I like where I live and I also have a place in a nice coastal area, all be it 350 miles away, if I want to get away from it all. I love Britain but would probably love any country if I had the same set up there. I think people who are less fortunate than me may despise this country and wish to be somewhere else. It's all relative is it not?:|


If you were to live again here ey?


Wages has been driven down in value, the housing situation has got worse, and mechanisms are in place to ensure these things are cut.


Technological advance should yield benefits for all, not guaranteed increases for those with capital. Where the poor have to hope the decrease in unit cost of goods, relative to wages, is lower than the increased amount of their wages they must spend on assets like housing and land.


Wages at or below RPI

Social rents have been increasing over and above RPI and thus wages for years and business has suffered massively now the credit boom is over.

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