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Great britain not great anymore.

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Wrong on two counts, if new plant had been invested in:-


A) we wouldn't have brought in cheap labour from the commonwealth and now that's been moved abroad to brand new stse of the art factories in third world countries.


B) People have only ever demanded a decent living wage.


In the 50's,60's,70's we where the best then we started getting labour goverments in and they sold every think off and brought in a higher cost of living and more tax's for the poorer in this counrty. I do not hold any lolarties to any party by the way, this is only how I see it.

You asked me if I was english but are you.

Me and my husband work hard for what we have and we see it has we will never get any where as things stand now but if we stand by each other then one day we will get there. But has a country we need to take stock, stand back, and get back to how it was in the 80's but with all we now know about produection that other countries use.(DON'T SAY THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES USE THE POOR , OF CAUSE THEY DO AND SO SHOULD WE). A few weeks ago some lady said on radio that she had turn down a £400 a week job because she would be £20 worse off my husband would like to earn £300 a week?:cool:

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DID I SAY ANY OF THIS NO I SAID BRING BACK THE OLD SKILLS WE USED TO HAVE, yes scrap most of the health and safety because most of what they inforce just makes things harder to get on with not like before but this would mean getting rid of highly paid pen pushers (haas if we need then).

Yes you did. You said car factories/sewing and steel


Which skills do you mean then if not these?

And yes the cars at the time where crap compared to todays but they all where back in the 60's,70's

They were already light years behind the Japanese, and perhaps Germans too.

The steel was the best in the world but was produced cheaper aboard but the steel was not as good.

So how do we make it cheaper, without everything that I suggested, that you dismissed?

On another note I see that they have been taking posts of again see you can't say what you think on ever.

I removed something rather than have a 24 ban. It had already been quoted. Don't get paranoid.

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HAHAHAHA this thread just gets funnier


bassman wants to go back in time to when britain was great, BUT forgetting that the whole world has moved on and if we did go back to manufacturing things like we did we wouldnt sell things cos theyd be too damn expensive compared to other things in the world.


then theres the usual trolls popping up with right wing claptrap

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HAHAHAHA this thread just gets funnier


bassman wants to go back in time to when britain was great, BUT forgetting that the whole world has moved on and if we did go back to manufacturing things like we did we wouldnt sell things cos theyd be too damn expensive compared to other things in the world.


then theres the usual trolls popping up with right wing claptrap


my bold

This is where contradiction rears it's head, now mel are you against public sector cuts ? So why is it not OK to cut services that have become too expensive, but accept manufacturing industries did not survive because they became too expensive ? Oh because the world moved on :gag:

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my bold

This is where contradiction rears it's head, now mel are you against public sector cuts ? So why is it not OK to cut services that have become too expensive, but accept manufactuing industries did not survive because they became too expensive ? Oh because the world moved on :gag:


whos against cuts? ive never said im against cuts, the once or twice i may have posted about cuts ive prolly said i agree cuts DO have to be made, we have an awfully big debt to get back

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HAHAHAHA this thread just gets funnier


bassman wants to go back in time to when britain was great, BUT forgetting that the whole world has moved on and if we did go back to manufacturing things like we did we wouldnt sell things cos theyd be too damn expensive compared to other things in the world.


then theres the usual trolls popping up with right wing claptrap

It is quite obvious that you have not read my replies you're just jumping on the usual argument bandwagon.

As other enlightened people have pointed out The UK stood still whilst others went past us, our workforce could only work as well as the antiquated machinery etc would allow.

The first shock came with the Japanese motor cycles that blew our ancient single cylinder pre WWII design overhead and even side valve engined designs away.

It would be interesting if you experienced those times first hand then we'd know if you are as I said just wanting an argument.

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It is quite obvious that you have not read my replies you're just jumping on the usual argument bandwagon.

As other enlightened people have pointed out The UK stood still whilst others went past us, our workforce could only work as well as the antiquated machinery etc would allow.

The first shock came with the Japanese motor cycles that blew our ancient single cylinder pre WWII design overhead and even side valve engined designs away.

It would be interesting if you experienced those times first hand then we'd know if you are as I said just wanting an argument.


its NOT just down to antiquated machinery tho..........for a long time now we HAVE ALWAYS been more expensive than the rest of the world, we just cant compete.


just going back to how it once was is NOT the answer, theres a lot of reasons why britain is not great anymore, some of it isnt of our own making

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cutting back on the nhs is ridiculous tbh..this was set up and put into place so everyone can have access to it.after saying that maybe there would be more money if really well off people who could afford private treatment didnt have go through the nhs..freeing up space for the ordinary folk who dont have access to private treatment.

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