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Great britain not great anymore.

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In the 50's,60's,70's we where the best then we started getting labour goverments in and they sold every think off and brought in a higher cost of living and more tax's for the poorer in this counrty. I do not hold any lolarties to any party by the way, this is only how I see it.

You asked me if I was english but are you.

Me and my husband work hard for what we have and we see it has we will never get any where as things stand now but if we stand by each other then one day we will get there. But has a country we need to take stock, stand back, and get back to how it was in the 80's but with all we now know about produection that other countries use.(DON'T SAY THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES USE THE POOR , OF CAUSE THEY DO AND SO SHOULD WE). A few weeks ago some lady said on radio that she had turn down a £400 a week job because she would be £20 worse off my husband would like to earn £300 a week?:cool:

Sorry but you really haven't got a clue as to how it was in the 50s 60 s70s, the 80s were the era of thatcherism where she sold everything down the river and then blamed the population.

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Sorry but you really haven't got a clue as to how it was in the 50s 60 s70s, the 80s were the era of thatcherism where she sold everything down the river and then blamed the population.


she sold us out because she could get it cheaper abroad..

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whos against cuts? ive never said im against cuts, the once or twice i may have posted about cuts ive prolly said i agree cuts DO have to be made, we have an awfully big debt to get back


Fair enough I apologise, I had you down as potentialy being 'anti cuts'.

After 30 odd years in manufacturing, I do agree with bassmans sentiments about British manufacturing though.

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its NOT just down to antiquated machinery tho..........for a long time now we HAVE ALWAYS been more expensive than the rest of the world, we just cant compete.


just going back to how it once was is NOT the answer, theres a lot of reasons why britain is not great anymore, some of it isnt of our own making

Nobody on this forum has said go back to how it was!

What has been said you can't compete with other countries that are using the lastest plant and machinery whilst your own are working with turn of the 20th century plant and machinery.

I know I worked in some of those places they were more like industrial museums.

High profits and lack of reinvestment were at the root of the problem.

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Fair enough I apologise, I had you down as potentialy being 'anti cuts'.

After 30 odd years in manufacturing, I do agree with bassmans sentiments about British manufacturing though.

apology accepted, the trouble with long time posting on forums we "think" we know people just by text (me included) sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong

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Fair enough I apologise, I had you down as potentialy being 'anti cuts'.

After 30 odd years in manufacturing, I do agree with bassmans sentiments about British manufacturing though.

Thank you at last someone else who knows the real situation.

We had the best crafstmen/engineers in the world it was those who were let down with the knock on effect to the rest of the population.

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it is fast going to hell I was recently in a part of London not to far from where I'm originally from and youths stood outside the supermarket harrassing shoppers pulling knives out 2 intimidate them if they tried to argue back shouting abuse, yes there's always been gangs in London but this latest generation of 15 16 year olds is out of control thanks to years of new labours softly approach. So I go inside do my shopping as I'm walking out Police are just telling them to move along. This kind of stuff is happening all over the country and it's these kind of minor incidents that are dragging this country down.


1. What part of London was this?


2. When would you say the last time Britain was a good place to live?

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the state of fact is today, everything has to be politically correct.we must be seen to be goody goody.where did our rights go to.sadly if we say anything we are accused of being racist.the point is we are full here in britain.


Can you give examples of how these alleged declining standards have affected you personally? Reading things in papers and second hand gossip do not count.

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she sold us out because she could get it cheaper abroad..
And you think it was cheaper to import it and pay unemployment, nowhere is it that cheap and good quality.

The only people who benefited were her class who imported the stuff but still charged top wack with the same mentality as todays bankers.

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