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Great britain not great anymore.

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Yes you did. You said car factories/sewing and steel


Which skills do you mean then if not these?

WE use to be able to make alsorts of things we where once the leaders in making cloth and clothes, carpenters, coach builders,


They were already light years behind the Japanese, and perhaps Germans too.

How come then at one time we used to make cars for Honda and Toyota but when they found out that it was not cost effective because of taxes and ground rates and labour costs they moved away


So how do we make it cheaper, without everything that I suggested, that you dismissed?


I personally do not have the answer do you , I guess less taxes on companies may help , less hassle from the labour force and unions.


I removed something rather than have a 24 ban. It had already been quoted. Don't get paranoid.


Iam not paranoid some asked why we could not have a full on discussion on sf and that is what I was more referring too.

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Can you give examples of how these alleged declining standards have affected you personally? Reading things in papers and second hand gossip do not count.


im not going down that route again talking of immigration and racism..thanks.:)

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Manufacturing is hardly comparable to sending children down mines or up chimneys, admitted it's not for everyone, in fact many young people won't touch steel and engineering these days. However in support of these 'traditional' trades, young men and women can still gain themselves an interesting career in manufacturing if their lucky. The skills and knowledge gained in such trades are so much more interesting than many 'modern' workplaces can offer these days...call centres and supermarkets for starters, they must be boring as hell, particularly for young men !

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Shouldn't that read: " She sold us out because WE could get it cheaper abroad?"


Why did he British consumers prefer to buy imported goods rather than those made in the UK?

My late Father was a Brass Finisher & Turner a highly skiled tradesman, he workd to fine tolerances by hand, when his firm closed in the early 70s most of the machines on his floor were still powered by the old fashioned over head belt fed system.

Can you imagine the brand new overseas south east asian factories that he had to compete with operating with such antiquated machinery, and yes I said up to the early 70s on Eyre Street Sheffield.

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Well it started with Japan then their cost/standard of living increased so they had to use China, Korea, Vietnam and India, they all followed.


some would probably work for a bowl of rice..what chance have we got.

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