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Great britain not great anymore.

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But how many Brass turners were employed at British Leyland?
LIke many you choose to ignore what you don't like to read, I see you didn't comment on the ancient belt fed machinery.

Whether brass finishers and turners were employed at british leyland is immaterial, the same sickness was across British industry.

Did your parents struggle through the depression as mine did?

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The hard truth is that union militancy as well as sloppy quality control at a time when the Japanese and Germans were turning out cheap bur reliable cars coupled with good back up service in the early post war years started the eventual downward slide of the British car industry
Why don't you look up the working conditions in the motor industry during the recession, the same applied to dockers, miners etc.

The British worker was given no incentive to care due to the way that they were treat.


Is it any wonder Trade Unions became militant? would you like to have stood at the dock gates hoping to be picked by the gang foreman for a days work?


The trouble here is that very few are aware of what went on, as a child my late Father was very rarely home before 7-30 PM due to having to work overtime to make ends meet, having started work at 07-30 AM.

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Only if you let it, you can of course choose to ignore what you don't like in the media and pretend everything is rosy in the garden :hihi:
Like Harold McMillan (Typical Tory) with his famous saying:- "You've Never Had It So Good", anything would be better than WWII and the 20s/30s depression era.
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Why don't you look up the working conditions in the motor industry during the recession, the same applied to dockers, miners etc.

The British worker was given no incentive to care due to the way that they were treat.


Is it any wonder Trade Unions became militant? would you like to have stood at the dock gates hoping to be picked by the gang foreman for a days work?


The trouble here is that very few are aware of what went on, as a child my late Father was very rarely home before 7-30 PM due to having to work overtime to make ends meet, having started work at 07-30 AM.



You're talking about the Great Depression of the late 20s/30s not a recession I think. Big dfference between the two

No country had it easy during the Big One. Ther Germans were even worse off having recently lost a war and it hit really hard in America too.


I was talking about the period after WW2, the forties, fifties and sixties when the unions were really militant and strikes going on everywhere. The Communists had infiltrated them to a considerable degree and there was an agenda to cripple the big British manufacturing companies and wage open warfare against the upper classes. I was coming of age in the late 1950s so i remember those times well.

While the Germans and Japanese were going all out to get their counries back on their feet British society was suffering from a deep malaise and class warfare.

The loss of an empire didnt help matters either

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don't think the country ever really was Great with a capital G. got close a long time ago but that was then. too far back in memory for anyone, going generations back, to say 'it was so and so in my day...'


that said, with all it's faults this is one pretty impressive little nation. there are a lot of things, even now, to be proud of and to feel great about.

on balance, though it's on the downward trajectory of the cycle(the upward one will come like it once did and went) this is still one of the best nations to be a citizen of. THE best in a lot of things, I'd say.

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don't think the country ever really was Great with a capital G. got close a long time ago but that was then. too far back in memory for anyone, going generations back, to say 'it was so and so in my day...'


that said, with all it's faults this is one pretty impressive little nation. there are a lot of things, even now, to be proud of and to feel great about.

on balance, though it's on the downward trajectory of the cycle(the upward one will come like it once did and went) this is still one of the best nations to be a citizen of. THE best in a lot of things, I'd say.


It is a great little nation. It's just transitioned from being the seat of an impressive and far flung empire to that of one of the better and more progressive small European countries

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Why don't you look up the working conditions in the motor industry during the recession, the same applied to dockers, miners etc.

The British worker was given no incentive to care due to the way that they were treat.


Is it any wonder Trade Unions became militant? would you like to have stood at the dock gates hoping to be picked by the gang foreman for a days work?


The trouble here is that very few are aware of what went on, as a child my late Father was very rarely home before 7-30 PM due to having to work overtime to make ends meet, having started work at 07-30 AM.

how far back are you going cause my in the mid 40's work in the mines and then as a lorry driver/fitter bring up a young family working long hours, every one then worked hard and long hours trying to make the bast of things.:o


Like Harold McMillan (Typical Tory) with his famous saying:- "You've Never Had It So Good", anything would be better than WWII and the 20s/30s depression era.

every one every where was in the same way after the war not just this country. We did not start going down hill till the late 70's and yes there was place's where we work the old ways even then. I have always known the head of families working long days even now my husband can do more then a 12 hour day is this not true with most hard workers.:roll

really what chip are you carrying

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It is a great little nation. It's just transitioned from being the seat of an impressive and far flung empire to that of one of the better and more progressive small European countries


true. problem is transition always has its heat-flushes and knots and heaves. we are unlucky, or privileged, to be living through it but change always brings the worst in some and the best in others.


the 'in my day...' crown feel cheated because of this and that but there's a lot that was wrong 'in my day...' too. most of what's going on is progress, i think. a tweak here and a tuck there all will be well. i think i two decades or so things will settle for a long time till another cycle where the nations realign and adjust again.

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