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Great britain not great anymore.

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We might be called Great Britain but in reality we are a joke, we take in thieves and murderers and then when they commit theft or worse still murder we put them in jail and feed and clothe them. give them computers & games to play, TV'S and sports facilities, all at taxpayers expense while the rest of us law abiding suckers have to buy our own and subsidise them to boot - whats Great about that?:roll::roll: Oh sorry forgot they've got human rights


thats the trouble with us brits or the goverment they always give them the easy option,commit a crime we reward you for it, what message does that send out to the youngsters of today....people come to our country cause we are a soft option we are greatly over populated ourselves.australia had the right idea a few years ago when the boat carrying immigrants who wanted to come into their country.if they cant support or keep themselves then they cannot come in.why cant we adopt that approach.we are truly a soft touch.

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I thought that the Great part of Great Britain was originally used to distinguish the Island from Brittany in France. Wiki states:


Geoffrey of Monmouth in his pseudohistorical Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136) refers to the island of Great Britain as Britannia major ("Greater Britain"), to distinguish it from Britannia minor ("Lesser Britain"), the continental region which approximates to modern Brittany.
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thats something great we SHOULDNT lose, even under the cosh we treat ALL humans and animals with respect and dignity and affording them rights.

we cant pick and choose who we give these rights to


Tell that to the victims families, we're hot on rights of criminals but don't give a damn about victims and their families. So we do pick and choose WE CHOOSE THE CRIMINALS, MURDERERS AND RAPISTS:roll:

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the state of fact is today, everything has to be politically correct.we must be seen to be goody goody.where did our rights go to.sadly if we say anything we are accused of being racist.the point is we are full here in britain.

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Tell that to the victims families, we're hot on rights of criminals but don't give a damn about victims and their families. So we do pick and choose WE CHOOSE THE CRIMINALS, MURDERERS AND RAPISTS:roll:


we don't do that in the slightest

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australia had the right idea a few years ago when the boat carrying immigrants who wanted to come into their country.if they cant support or keep themselves then they cannot come in.why cant we adopt that approach.


We do adopt that approach. It's been the law for decades.

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Not if it were Scotland or Wales who split it...


No, it would still be Great Britain, because Great Britain is the island, not a country.

It's like saying the continent of Europe isn't the continent of Europe because it's made up of seperate countries. It's still geographically the continent of Europe.

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=teenyweeny;7393154thats the trouble with us brits or the goverment they always give them the easy option,commit a crime we reward you for it, what message does that send out to the youngsters of today....people come to our country cause we are a soft option we are greatly over populated ourselves.australia had the right idea a few years ago when the boat carrying immigrants who wanted to come into their country.if they cant support or keep themselves then they cannot come in.why cant we adopt that approach.we are truly a soft touch.


It would seem from your comments that you are racist. Your Nationality is an accident of birth. I don't understand why it is such a big deal to people. Do you have any proposals for dealing with over population and immigration issues? It's basically about the unfair sharing of the world's resources.


I see you missed out on a proper education or are you dyslexic?

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