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Great britain not great anymore.

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it really amazes me that some people have never worked in their entire life there is deffo something wrong...some people are on benefits through no fault of their own but unfortunatly everyone gets tarred with the same brush.
Do they get tarred with the same brush? By whom I wonder?

The non-whites by people like you simple souls who think everybody who isn't white is an immigrant and all are on benefits:rant: Reality is you may yourself be part of the great hand out receiving, sat on tinternet moaning minnies that justify their own existence as without choice but yet quite happily vicitmise others around them based on colour of skin. Many may suggest that is rather racist.

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Do they get tarred with the same brush? By whom I wonder?

The non-whites by people like you simple souls who think everybody who isn't white is an immigrant and all are on benefits:rant: Reality is you are yourself part of the great hand out receiving, sat on tinternet moaning minnies that justify their own existence as without choice but yet quite happily vicitmise others around them based on colour of skin. Many may suggest that is rather racist.



was not talking about none whites i was actually talking about everyone in general.there are plenty of white people on benefits i was pointing that out.

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thanks for that...in the area i live..there are households where the entire family do not work,there grown children leave school and never work then go on to have hoardes of children to beat the benefit system,not the kiddies that are at fault its the parents.this cycle seems to carry on and on.


Life must be so boring for them though.:(

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I think some of the moaners need to try living in a country where things really ARE difficult.


I appreciate the point you are making and agree that we do indeed live in one of the better places in the world, but if we blithely fail to acknowledge that there are also problems how can we begin to deal with them?

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