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Great britain not great anymore.

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Britain has gone down the pan we no longer make things and we are way to soft on every thing. We are a country of softies and anything for an easy life. I would like to see some of the back bone back that we used to have and lets get back to making things and selling what we make abroad like we used to do.Lets stop being a nation of consumers and become a nation where there is a job and the skills we once had,has we are we spend more make less buy in more than we make and sell to others.

THERE is way to many offices workers and shop workers and not enough of those making things like the steel workers and car factories and sewing factories all the old skills have gone or slowly dyeing we are now a nation of buyers how to we get back to a nation of producers and how can we stay a nation of buyers when we do not sell to other nations. We can no longer support this country like it was.

We are sinking fast and not many see it or want to do any thing about it, for once we may have a change to get back there with this government they are trying but have been left with all the **** by the last 20yrs of government being soft and distoring the soul of this country and the softy softy ways of letting any one get on with what ever they wanted.


I know a lot of you will disagree with me but they may be one or two that do agree.

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So why do vehicles from Northern Ireland have GB number plates whilst ones from Jersey, Alderney, Guernsey Isle of Man etc all have their own international identification letters such as GBA?


But thats still GB isn't it?

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So why do vehicles from Northern Ireland have GB number plates whilst ones from Jersey, Alderney, Guernsey Isle of Man etc all have their own international identification letters such as GBA?


Maybe it's because GB somehow stands for the UK when it comes to international number plate identification? Maybe Uk was already taken?

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Crime in this country is out of hand, I am 59 years old and can remember in not so distant past when you could go out and leave door unlocked without fear of being robbed, now they come in and rob you while you're in bed - tell me this is good:roll:


I remember those days too. The reason we could leave our doors unlocked was there was nothing portable worth stealing. In the words of a comic, whose name I cannot recall, "You never saw anybody down the pub trying to sell a washboard".


The TVs back in the day weren't portable, if my mother wanted to clean behind ours it was a family event with 4 to hold the TV up or move it.


Crime is hardly out of hand, except if you read the tabloids or watch crap telly programs where it's rife.

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I remember those days too. The reason we could leave our doors unlocked was there was nothing portable worth stealing. In the words of a comic, whose name I cannot recall, "You never saw anybody down the pub trying to sell a washboard".


The TVs back in the day weren't portable, if my mother wanted to clean behind ours it was a family event with 4 to hold the TV up or move it.


Crime is hardly out of hand, except if you read the tabloids or watch crap telly programs where it's rife.


We had plenty of portable things in sixties, seventies and eighties, jewellery too and money but still could leave door open, now (and this happened to two different people I know) they were robbed while they were in bed. Can you imagine the trauma of knowing someones been in your house while you were asleep and on one of the occasions they killed the dog, a little yorkie - no threat to anybody - <removed>

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This is what our once great 'Steel industry' should have been doing, these houses are being built in Cyprus where they have to import the steel.

They're less labour intensive and quicker to build, buyers can even have room sizes changed whilst constrution is stil under way, it just requires a few nuts and bolts undone.




Almost completed and virtualy earthquake proof as Cyprus is subject to earth tremours.



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Isn't Great Britain is the name of the mainland Island?


Yes, see post 14 in this thread.


And it's not really to do with Scotland being conquered, (which it wasn't, it became part of the United Kingdom by Acts of Union).

After the Union the country became the United Kingdom Of Great Britain, but the island was already called Great Britain, which is where the United Kingdom of Great Britain got its name.

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