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Re-filling the same beer glass- is it illegal?

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To call it unhygenic would be an under statement.


Yet I see fella's in my local pubs taking their saliva laced empty beer glasses back to the bar for re-fill after re-fill all the time and no one ever bats an eye lid.


It's discusts me to think that the next person being served who'll be blissfully unaware that the nozzle dripping in froth which has traces of someone elses saliva in it which the unsuspecting punter will gulp down along with their beer due to the inconsideration of certain punters and bar staff that find it necessary to re-fill used beer glasses. if it isn't a crime it ought to be.


Of course it's not illegal. Do you expect the pub to but beer glasses, fill them once, then throw them away after they've been used? They wouldn't be able to afford it.

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For example: If a restaurant gave you the unwashed cutlery that the previous diners had used would you mind?


Not quite the same as having your own glass re-filled.


Do you simply leave your car if it runs out of petrol and go buy a new one to fill up, or do you re-fill your current vehicle ... Hmmmm.

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Not quite the same as having your own glass re-filled.




Agreed. It is more like someone going to a carvery and using their used cutlery to top up on salads and vegetables after they have had them stuck in their mouths.

Ah those delightful moustache hairs in the half used bowl of horseradish.:gag:

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What as life come to when we can’t even get the same glass of beer refilled? Imagine the damage done to the planets ozone by the constant running of the glass washer. The damage done to our green lands with all the detergent needed to wash the little pint glass. It should be law that we DO use the same glass in a pub.



Oh and by the way I would be more concerned about the spotty teenage bartender who just squeezed a spot and then adjust the nozzle of the beer pump than a bit of spit

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Strangest thing I saw was in the Red Lion at Gleadless Town End.

The beer pump was over the top of a funnel, when the barmaid pulled a a drink, the beer overflowed, ran over her fingers and into this funnel, which I can only assume was returning to the barrel? Just hoped she washed her hands after using the toilet?

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This topic just goes to show that some people will moan about just about anything.


I swear the moaning, jobs worths and political correctness fruitcakes in this country should all get real lives.

It's nothing to do with political correctness. It's to do with my pet hate; which is someone having their saliva laced beer glass re-filled.


I don't care how minimal the traces of saliva might be, I don't want to see anyone doing something that leads me to suspect that something that I'm about to eat or drink has been contaminated with traces of someone elses bodily fluids.


Ok answer me this, 'why would it be illegal' ?


Because I'd like it to be, Did you read my op?

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I've worked in a number of pubs and our policy was to ask the customer whether they wanted a fresh glass or not. If not, then just make sure you don't let the glass and the pump contact each other! Not difficult and avoids these daft attempts at outlawing everything these days...

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