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Ridiculous! No 'e'.

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I have to agree with you. I think a large amount of the English language will die too.


What also amazes me is the number of people who cannot spell or string a sentence together always pull out the dyslexic card. Yes, I do understand there are quite a number of people who suffer from dyslexia but there are also far more who cannot spell through not being educated properly or, (?maybe) in some cases pure laziness.

I agree. If this forum is to be used as a yardstick then about of tenth of sheffield is dyslexic
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Has anyone else noticed that when spelling or grammar is criticized so many people on here tend to say how "it doesn't matter".


I actually think that basically this is where the problem started in schools in the 80's/90's when spelling was "dumbed down" and teachers were more interested in "pupils thoughts, and what is written down on paper" rather than the actual spellings or grammatical correctness, thus we now have a population that actually doesn't know how to spell or to put a complete sentence together correctly.


This weekend I actually saw signs in our local Staples shop selling "draws"!!! Aargh! If large stores like this cannot even be bothered to ensure they have the correct spellings then what hope do we have of youngsters spelling things correctly.


Any how many people with University degrees are unable to spell? Quite a lot!!!


I agree with what you're saying, and appreciate that you were having a rant, but there are at least four errors of grammar in your post!

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I love this thread. I see rediculous typed on here all the time and it bugs me too! :hihi: although not as much as the apostrophes!


Another pet hate of mine is when people get the words lose and loose mixed up!


Glad you're enjoying it - yeah lose/loose is a popular stinker and 'gawjus', as others have noted, is indeed cringeworthy.

Ms Macbeth - yes, that drives me round the bend too!

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I agree with what you're saying, and appreciate that you were having a rant, but there are at least four errors of grammar in your post!


Actually I wasn't having a rant as it happens. I was just stating things that bug me with today's spelling and grammar that seems acceptable by quite a large number of people. Also the fact that there are quite a number of people who seem to think there is nothing wrong with poor spellings or for that matter that correct grammar (or any form of grammar for that matter!) is important in today's world! Which to me is extremely sad.


I'm not saying that I am perfect with both but at least I do try and use the correct spellings as well as using, as much as I am able, the correct grammar.

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