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Saudi Bahrain Invasion :

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im sure it is against International law that a foreign force is used to quell what have been overwhelmingly peaceful protests by the population of Bahrain,



But the "just and Fair" Government of the USA have insisted this is NOT a invasion!


1000 troops used from a Foreign country is NOT invasion if you are a ally to the USA.!









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My understanding of Bahrain is it's a mainly shiite country with a sunni ruling family descended from some bloke we decided should own it and installed on the basis he only traded with Britain. The legacy of the is their forces and police are mainly foreign sunnis, and they are now drafting in foreign sunni forces in the shape of saudis.


Democracy in action! Not.

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We don't have to support it. Let them get on with it themselves.


I think the idea is that a minority dictatorship using foreign troops to help crush the democratic aspirations of the indeginous population is probably not a good thing. So rather than letting them get on with it, we should be at least diplomatically opposing it.

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I appreciate your opinion, but (and perhaps I tend slightly towards 'isolationism') I feel we (and indeed every country) should keep its nose out of other countries' civil wars.


Has there ever been a civil war which has been resolved (satisfactorily) by outside intervention?


In this case, it appears that the existing government has called on assistance from the Saudis. I don't think that's a particularly good thing to do, but I suppose countries can call for assistance from their allies (and presumably, the Bahreini government feel that Saudi Arabia is an ally.)


Perhaps they should have called upon the Arab League for assistance?


I doubt that anybody in the Arab world is really keen to see Western intervention.


Perhaps the House of Saud (who aren't entirely popular in their own country) are keen to quell any sort of uprising amongst their neighbours, lest it give their own people ideas?

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As an isolationist, Rupert, I imagine your stance is consistent, and you also believe we shouldn't be interfering in the civil war in Libya.


The trouble is, a lot of the people who are advocating anything from imposing a no-fly zone, up to an outright invasion of Libya "to free the people from the evil dictator," will be the very same people saying that we should let the Bahrainis stamp out their civil uprisings without any interference from us. It's the hypocrisy that is galling; saying that something is evil when a man we don't like does it, but saying it's perfectly okay when a man we do like does the same thing somewhere else.

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I appreciate your opinion, but (and perhaps I tend slightly towards 'isolationism') I feel we (and indeed every country) should keep its nose out of other countries' civil wars.


Has there ever been a civil war which has been resolved (satisfactorily) by outside intervention?


In this case, it appears that the existing government has called on assistance from the Saudis. I don't think that's a particularly good thing to do, but I suppose countries can call for assistance from their allies (and presumably, the Bahreini government feel that Saudi Arabia is an ally.)


Perhaps they should have called upon the Arab League for assistance?


I doubt that anybody in the Arab world is really keen to see Western intervention.


Perhaps the House of Saud (who aren't entirely popular in their own country) are keen to quell any sort of uprising amongst their neighbours, lest it give their own people ideas?


I wonder how the British public would feel if one day they decided to go on a demo and were faced with thousands of French soliders !


We would call it a invasion !


The main reason why the west supports this sort of action my lie in the fact that bharian is home to the largest war armada this world has ever seen!


Possibly poised to strike Iran with in a year or so !

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