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TM Travel Accident

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you'd have thought a bus driver would know the height of a bus :rolleyes:


Whenever this has happened before, in every case I've heard of, it turns out that the driver is normally on a single-decker and forgot he was driving a double-decker that day.


That doesn't make it excusable, but it makes it understandable. Anyone can forget something.

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This seems to happen a lot. Or at least more often than I'd expect ie never. If you're driving a great big double decker bus surely you'd be on the lookout for bridges.


Was the bridge on the route and they'd failed to pull into the middle of the bridge properly (that's understandable), or had they taken the wrong route entirely?

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More than once while I was at school we'd have a new driver on who would ignore the kids telling him that they shouldn't go that way because there's a low bridge. Never took the roof off, but we did have to crawl under one with lots of horrible scraping noises from the roof, and disloged some bricks off another (disused) bridge.


The best one though was the driver who refused to stop after smashing both front windows of the top deck on a tree which overhung the road, because she decided that it was just kids messing about which caused the massive bang. This was despite a small amount of glass fragments coming down the stairs and some of the kids (who were a pain in the rear end tbh) then coming down and screaming because they had glass in their hair. Luckily (more than anything else) nobody actually got cut.

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On my way to work at Ollerton travelling from Eckington I have encountered many of this companies busses over the past 30months. I have observed that a lot of their vehicles and also some of their drivers leave a great deal to be desired on the roads around Barlborough, Clowne, Creswell and beyond. I am not at all surprised this has happened and am totally shocked by it all. Lets hope this is a turning point.

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Two of my Grandchildren were on the bus, both were obviously shook up my Grandson had a couple of stitches for a gash on his head. The School cancelled T Ms contract as soon as they learned about the accident.

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If that is true - and I stress if - then there very much is an excuse for the driver and he won't be held responsible. He's supposed to know how high his bus is, and he finds out by checking with his employer.


as far as I was aware the driver checks the height of the bus by looking in the cab, my dad was a bus driver for the best part of 25 years and every decker he ever drove had the height clearly marked in the decker.

Also when my dad was working as a driver one of the other drivers at the same depot as him had a bridge strike with a decker and when asked by his managers why it happened he told them he was that used to driving a single decker that he had forgot he was driving a decker. He ended up getting sacked.

How come TM travel haven't made a statement about the accident yet? Is this due to the police and VOSA investigations?

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as far as I was aware the driver checks the height of the bus by looking in the cab



The sign might be missing; he might not be certain of its accuracy; he might, indeed, have spoken to his employers precisely because he didn't think the bus would go under the bridge, and been told that it would do despite the apparent height problem.


Without knowing what actually did happen it's pointless to speculate, but if his bosses have told him the bus will pass underneath the bridge, it won't be the driver who is held to blame.

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you'd have thought a bus driver would know the height of a bus :rolleyes: it's not like the bridge didn't have it's height clearly plastered on it


I hope the kids are all ok


is that a rail bridge? is the railway shut too now?


That is the original height;many years of resurfacing have raised the road making the gap smaller.Buses are not a standard height.Volvo are always a lot sleeker than the Dodge which was very upright.Do you know the height of your car?Many bridges are unlit meaning the signs are obscured.

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