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Which Word(s) Do You Avoid Using?

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Aww .... They took away my hilarious post. It was only asterisks for Cliff's sake.


Anyhow, I'll try again.




It's "purple", ok?



Yeah ... I know ... help desk ... yadda yadda.

opps NO mauve is not purple just ask any of your on fire friends:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Three examples of words I try to avoid using are:


1. Hate - A very strong word, which in my view is the final step before wanting to destroy. I prefer to use dislike.


2. Kids - A condescending, demeaning and disrespectful word. Expect to receive disrespect in return. I prefer to say children.


3. Movie - As an Englishman I prefer to say film, I am not a big fan of Americanisms.

Out of your 3 Zakes i agree on no 1 can take or leave no 3 but no 2 is a word i love , my late much older brother used to call it me all the time as in come on kid lets go for a pint or how tha goin on kid etc,So for me kid is bang on.

A word i realy hate is pig when it is being used by united ites to owls as every one with any sense knows that bacon is red and white.

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Three examples of words I try to avoid using are:


1. Hate - A very strong word, which in my view is the final step before wanting to destroy. I prefer to use dislike.


2. Kids - A condescending, demeaning and disrespectful word. Expect to receive disrespect in return. I prefer to say children.


3. Movie - As an Englishman I prefer to say film, I am not a big fan of Americanisms.


You are perfectly right, I am guilty on counts 2 and 3 and am going to change forthwith. When I went to school, it was all the rage to refer to your parents as 'the old man' and 'the old lady' which I might add, I never did. I truly believe that came out of watching American films of the time like the 'Dead End and East Side Kids'!

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