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Are you having a street party for William's wedding?

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The Devonshire Arms in the village is putting on a bit of a do. Should be fun and great for everyone to get together and have a celebration, a welcome change from all the doom and gloom that we seem to have rammed down our throats on a daily basis.:)


Ahhh, village life. Good job you've still got a pub as a focus for the community.


Mind you, it's not like this place is it? :D

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I was thinking of organising a Victorian themed street party. I was worried that I would struggle finding the requisite orphanage type waifs to lend that authentic emaciated feel to proceedings. But result! I read the Tory proposal for the "BIG SOCIETY" and eureka loads of poorly fed dishevelled kids! Nice one Dave, nice to know what they mean by the good old days!

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Don't you find it strange then how they still come when the Queen is abroad doing a tour? As others have said tourists will still come regardless as most of them know they wont actually see the Queen. Its about our history and grand buildings and not her as a person. The changing of the guard and other pomp was put in place by Queen Victoria to bolster the flagging interest in the royals and was done for show. It will still go on as it does not need the presence of royalty.



There would be no point in having soldiers dressed up in fancy uniforms parading around if there was no monarchy nor would there be any need for ceremony of any sort.

Bored tourist guides would conduct visitors around former royal residences and sooner or later the government would surely close them all up as an economy measure as money from tourism would be far less than the cost of upkeep. England would be a dullerr less colorful place and no doubt the anti-monarchists would still be complaining if the the elected President of the New Republic was anything other than a Socialist :D

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im organising one for our road!!sent the letters out yesterday...feedback is good so far!be something for the kids to remember and any excuse for a party eh?!!!


You could have done this anytime, why do need an excuse? Don't you know that your taxes are paying for it? Your children will only remember the party not what it was for.

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that would be difficult given that she must be 60+


Actually if William and Harry were to die before him, Charles could still father another child, who would inherit the throne after his own death.

It won't be by Camilla though as she had a hysterectomy a couple of years back, and as illegitimate children don't count in the succession, Charles would have to be married to the child's mother.

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Actually if William and Harry were to die before him, Charles could still father another child, who would inherit the throne after his own death.

It won't be by Camilla though as she had a hysterectomy a couple of years back, and as illegitimate children don't count in the succession, Charles would have to be married to the child's mother.


i'd pay good money to watch the lot of em have pins stuck in their eyes and be set on fire.... not a big fan of the whole charade i'm afraid.

there is a facebook group now specifically anti royal wedding. i like the range of "it should have been me" memorabilia plates. very tasteful


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