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Friendship between men and women

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Can a man and woman really just be friends? What are your thoughts?


100% yes. I have always had many girls as friends, and nothing more, some have turned out to be more, but i try keep those numbers low lol, I even had 'girl' friends stay over in the same bed, been near enuff naked and nothing as ever happend and neither of us have wanted anything to go beyond friendship. I kissed most of my 'girl' friends for laughs ect, except for my closet who we know thats not us, but to cut the response short yes, i actually find 'girls' better friends than guys, you can also pick up some amazing tips for when you need them ;)

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...i actually find 'girls' better friends than guys, you can also pick up some amazing tips for when you need them ;)


Like what detergent will get rid of those stubborn stains?


And does your lipstick go with your handbag go with your shoes?


Nice :D



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Haha if you like stumpy legged chavs I will gladly get you her number!! :hihi:


So is the fact that she offers sex without commitment the issue, or is it now a case of her having stumpy legs and now a chav?


Some women. :roll:

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I dunno about freinds:P but I think I've known you long enough now Mellie Mel to consider you a casual friend. Plus I've got your number - which can be sold to the highest bidder. :hihi:(You don't know enough about me to be close lol! Some poor <REMOVED> do!)

You need to get yourself on bookface though, then perhaps you'd change your mind lol!


yay im a casual friend :D

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I do think looks can get in the way of male/female friendships, whether it's both who are goodlooking or just one there can be one or the other deluding themselves that they can sustain a relationship on those terms

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no sorry! but back to my question- why would men want to sleep with a girl who has been round the block that many times!!?? let alone be friends with her?!


How about instead you ask your 'friend' why she feels the need to sleep with other peoples' partners?



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Like what detergent will get rid of those stubborn stains?


And does your lipstick go with your handbag go with your shoes?


Nice :D




Close... But more like, if i need advice on say a girl, who better to ask for advice. Or if you need an escape goat, from that awful moment when your stalker decides they want to be that little bit closer.... HELP! SHEEES GOT A BEARED!

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How about instead you ask your 'friend' why she feels the need to sleep with other peoples' partners?




The men probably sleep with her because at the end of the day, these guys aren't too fussed about her reputation etc, they're just focusing on getting laid.



The girl might feel the need to sleep with other peoples partners because she's desperate to have what the other girls have got and to feel wanted.

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