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Oh dear Oh dear, the government has goofed again!

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Aren't public services and unions just as guilty of using the front line term? I'm sure I've heard various police officers and union leaders saying that front line services will be affected by cuts.


Yep, its a very vague term.


I wouldn't class myself as "front line" but I know for a fact that things grind to a halt if I'm not in, so maybe I am?

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Well, now the government has the chance to define the term. Thus ending any ambiguity (from all parties/sides).


Lol if they try to define it, it will only end in more arguments between government, services and unions as each disagee and have their own ideas.

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It's just an obvious attempt by a government whose innate instinct is to use punitive sanction in the place of social conscience. Like the "reducing prison places" red herring. Set to provoke a storm of knee jerk hang em flog em brigade so as to legitimise the Tory "crackdown" because the public have sent a clear message. It's just "politicing" 101 for dummies.


Just think of the Harry Enfield character Tory boy saying that there has to be "conthequenthes" to peoples (meaning the poors) actions.


Not the rich however as they are too big to fail, apparently!

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Would you sweep my driveway for me? You've done such a good job with the tired old sweeping generalisations you've just used!



Tired old sweeping generalisations, wasn't that the title of the Tory "brainstorming" group who came up with "big society" albatross?


P.S Sociology is about generalisations I'm affraid. Culture has broad influences. It doesn't really make any sense to atomise the study of society, because then it becomes Psychology doesn't it?

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