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UK unemployment at 17 year high

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If you can get a job dealing with smackheads, druggies, alchos, wife beaters, kid beaters, people with lots of ABSOS...


then your sorted for life


an if you are in your 40s and..... "ya speek lyke yas a fart-teen yee ald" (translated means - if you speak like a 14 year old), then your set up for life in Social Services

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And my reply was made in exactly the same context: farther scientific advances were accomplished by the Allies, without gunpoint.


You don't? I suggest you go back to your history books. Start with 'liberty ships', go on to Allied airplane manufacturers, progress from there on in ;)

Who armed them? ;)

I suggest you look up Sir Whittle and the Gloster Meteor, and progress from there on in ;)

The 'Americans' bought it, and Boeing shortly gave us the 707, 737 and MD gave us the DC8, DC10, etc. and, eventually, cheap holidaying abroad for the masses to close and farther flung locations ;)


Get your capitalisms right :D




Well done with the "googling" and quoting sterling! And the condescension to "big up your point" no, no really.

Yes it was easy for America to turn its production of washing machines and cars over to tanks and planes. A good job given the number of unemployed prior to them doing so.


Ford was a particular asset wasn't he? Leaving aside the supplying Nazi Germany with trucks etc of course. Oh and overlooking the little incident where he sought F.B.I help in smashing the unions. Resulting in how many protestors shot dead?


But why let little things like treachery and murder taint our estimation of his morality ehh?

After all it wasn’t personal it was “only” business...right?


It really is amazing how all you supporters of the "free hand" cling no matter what events contradict it.To the fallacious notion that Capitalism will come good in the end. Britain has a trillion pound debt hung around "our" necks. The interest payments alone are more than we spend on education, and you still think that this is sane?


Capitalism is in the process of disintegrating old chap, deal with it. A little addendum. It's good to see that we finally have a Tory government that is so thick and out of touch with reality, that they actually consider this a legitimate form of action. We Socialists are just rubbing our hands together! What is "Dave" going to do for an encore? Get rid of children’s milk? Oh no wrong dictator!




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Well done with the "googling" and quoting sterling! And the condescension to "big up your point" no, no really.
Don't be sore: if you're going to argue a point (which is entirely fair and commendable), use facts, not misconceived generalisations or straw men arguments. You're the guy who brought up wartime/totalitarian/gunpoint-driven research, when all I did was pointing out facts underpinning current (and not so current) innovation, being that without working capital, no innovation gets done. It's been the same since DaVinci, and still before that ;)

But why let little things like treachery and murder taint our estimation of his morality ehh?
Treachery and murder have little do with the OP or even this little tangent of ours about capitalism. There has ben plenty of "treachery and murder" before the Nazis, in fact since just about Adam & Eve I'm sure. Capitalism is at least as old, it just wasn't called as such until more recent times.

Capitalism is in the process of disintegrating old chap, deal with it.
Capitalism as you narrowly define it, perhaps.


Capitalism as a (even if only moderately-) free market of good/services traded on a supply/demand basis, not in a thousand years.


As for dealing with a permanently-chaotic economy post the Golden 30s (60s-90s), I have been for years, old chap. I 'started' as the output of higher education, like so many others, in the early 90s. No golden spoon, no 'network', no 'old buddies' or any such other easy ride here: I came to this country in '93 knowing noone, in a 10 year old car with a failing headgasket and two suitcases to my name, understanding very little of lingo, with foreign qualifications no prospective employer could relate to.


After 15 years or so of dragging myself up by the skin of my teeth and seizing every opportunity going, à la upinwath, I am now a multilingual professional with highly-specialist (read: expensive), always-in-demand and location-independent skills :thumbsup:

We Socialists are just rubbing our hands together!
That figures. With such disregard for historical accuracy, no wonder history keeps repeating itself :D


It really is amazing how all you supporters of the "free hand" cling no matter what events contradict it.To the fallacious notion that Capitalism will come good in the end. Britain has a trillion pound debt hung around "our" necks. The interest payments alone are more than we spend on education, and you still think that this is sane?
Not in the least. But capitalism (at least per my understanding of the notion or concept) has little to do with that state of affairs. The trillion pound debt wouldn't have been run by a "capitalist": a capitalist (again, at least per my understanding of the notion or concept) understands that you don't spend money you haven't earned in the first place.
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Carving up a post and obfuscating the overall point being made doesn't make you look any more right I'm affraid.


The fact is that when you are talking about Capitalism generalisation is totally appropriate because there is only one consideration, PROFIT. If people being poor is their fault, then you really don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to predict how their treatment of the average Joe/Joanne will go do you?


It’s really not hard to predict way ahead of time what a Capitalist politician will do. Slash services, privatisation, sell off national assets. These are generalisations born out of ideological imperatives. So I really don’t know what your point is. A leopard does not change its spots. And with this predictable philosophical base comes a plethora of anti libertarian measures. I can tell you for instance by looking in my "big society" crystal ball that as the cuts in services to front line provision really begins to bite, criminality will spiral.


The response "reluctantly" (not) will be hard line laws on the statute books. It's not a cliché or a generalisation it is just the Tory being a Tory. As soon as the Stalinist in Armani taste left by Blair et al has faded in people’s minds. The "nice" Tory will once again make way for the consequences Tory. Sure as eggs are eggs.


P.S Please do me a favour. Since you are clearly an intelligent person, do you think it would be alright to respond to what I write as a whole? And not do the old trick of carving up a piece so that the context is lost. Thanks.

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And Britain was in fact very close to having a jet engine, but no Capitalist in Britain saw the potential, so the Americans finished up with it. Another real high point in British ruling class stupidity!


Are you mad?

Read a bit of history and find out how wrong you are.

My opinion is the Germans had the better technology as far as the jet engine was concerned but didn't have the ability to develop it because of the political forces at work and, in time, the pressure of allied attacks.

The Americans were non starters and had to be helped out by the British but it was their capitalist system that drove development.

The US government made it worthwhile for private companies to develop new, better designs. The British Labour government stifled development.

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Are you mad?

Read a bit of history and find out how wrong you are.

My opinion is the Germans had the better technology as far as the jet engine was concerned but didn't have the ability to develop it because of the political forces at work and, in time, the pressure of allied attacks.

The Americans were non starters and had to be helped out by the British but it was their capitalist system that drove development.

The US government made it worthwhile for private companies to develop new, better designs. The British Labour government stifled development.


They had jet fighters in service in 1945. So on a scale of 0-10 10 being totally and completely wrong you score a 10!


So I think you're the one who needs the history lesson dont you?




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Yes, as I have written previously. You sound like just the type of person Capitalism rewards. You believe in the bottom line. And by that you mean your wage packet. It may interest you to know that there are many other ways of validating your existence.


First a compliment then a suggestion there are other ways to be that good.

I'm confused so be a good chap and give us the details of how to have a better life than two houses in the tropics, plenty of cash so I don't need to care about a lot and only working part time to get it.


Relationships with real people. People who suffer. And it turns out it isn't because they are feckless or lazy, but because through no fault of their own they have had experiences which have left then in no doubt that real meaning in life is not derived from what you earn or what car you drive or what other people say about you. But from how you feel another person’s suffering as your own.


I wouldn't expect someone who equates worth with materialism to understand this, but all the stuff in the world doesn't fill the hole left by alienation. And lying on your deathbed staring at the ceiling you won’t be thinking:


"If only I had bought more stuff"


You're confusing capitalism with materialism. The 'things' in the house are there for my family. I don't really much care about the TV, hifi and so on.

I have very few things of my own. I'll list.

A netbook with accessories.

A mobile (Nokia E72)

A semi pro camera.

A mountain bike.


You see, I don't care about things at all. You simply assume I do because you have no idea what I use my money for. It's there to look after my family and save the rest for a rainy day. That and we're looking at some business ideas. They'll involve paying local people to make money for us.

That, in turn, will get employment for another local when we hire a maid again. You'd quite like a servant, saves all that washing dishes and cleaning the house.


You will be wishing you had spent more time with your daughter. Gotten to know who she is. Spent (time) together. The kind of time money doesn’t' buy.


Luckily, as a successful oppressor of the workers and someone who does the right thing for his employer, I only work five, half days per week.

That leaves me lots of time to spend with my family but not having to give the slightest thought to the shopping bill until it comes to getting my wallet out. I never even consider adding up the bill while I'm buying things. Why the hell should I when I'm on a salary like mine?


In the end are we are speaking different languages?


We are. I'm speaking the language of two houses in the tropics. Enjoy your political beliefs while I sip on this cold coca cola while sat under a palm tree.

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They had jet fighters in service in 1945. So on a scale of 0-10 10 being totally and completely wrong you score a 10!


So I think you're the one who needs the history lesson dont you?





I must be wrong. You'd better educate me and name an operation jet powered US aircraft in combat service before VJ day.


The Yanks had a couple of second rate designs copied from either British, or later, German aircraft and they were rubbish.

It's not until serious cash was injected that development get anywhere.


Germany, as I said, had better designs but would have been far better without politic arsing about.

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