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Stem cells from menstrual blood

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To be totally honest, I'd prefer cells that were harvested in a way that didn't include generating and then killing embryos.


tbh stem cells from embryos could be used as they are incinerated anyway why not use them as something positive would come from it.dont want to get into anti abortion stuff...the only way i would be against it if embryos were killed on purpose to fulfil the need type of thing..if you know what i mean.stem cell research could unlock the key to many things.im all for it.:)

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ask a chinese man if he likes tigers scrotum ground into his cornflakes and watch him lick the bowl clean, peoples perceptions of where medical breakthroughs come from are mental, who cares where the medicine thats just saved your only child from a life of crippling pain came from a source commonly regarded as waste material.

If it saved my life id vote for the extraction of ball sack fluid from prisoners executions, even if i had to gargle it.



well put...embryos are put into the incinerator so why do people kick up a stink..who cares as long as it saves someones life.

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People kick up a stink, as you put it, because either the embyo's are from aborted pregancy - the use of which some(pro life) groups see as supporting abortion. Others are created just to be used for stem cell research and groups feel that this is also killing unborn children, as an abortion would be.


Alot of the argument comes down to personal belief about when life can be considered to have started, fertilisation, conception, when a feotus is viable... etc etc. A very contentious area.


I think that any advances that can be made in how stem cells can be harvested in less contentious ways would greatly aid the research into their medical uses.

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An interesting article...!!




As the article says at the end -


"Would you really want to be the recipient of stem cells plucked from the contents of a woman's monthly cycle?"


:) :)

im all for it if it helps save lives, just hope the recipients dont get the moods you strange women have every month:roll:
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  • 4 months later...

I had stem cells taken from my son at birth from his umbilical cord this was painless for both of us and I think in the future if they can save lives with this I for one wouldn't turn this down if it cam from menstrual blood or cord blood.


When taken from cord of a new born this would normally be incinerated so it is using something that would normally be waste

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