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Do you men find it easy/difficult to chat up women ?

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If you've got the personality there should be no problem,if your lacking in personality and have no confidence in yourself the dating agencies are there for you,If you get the knock back, so what there's always more.



Ahh the old percentage game Bangy! Which category do you fall into?:love:

And do you always tell 'em your real name!;)

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I always found it dead easy to chat up women in the North of England when I lved in the U.K.


If I saw a woman I fancied in a pub, I 'd just walk up and say,

" Hey, does tha fancy about 8 pints o ' ale ? Then we 'll g ' fer a bit of how 's yer father behind t ' pub later. "


Quite a few times I got a good punch or a nasty kick from them------but it did work about 1 in 5 times............and the technique got easier as time went on. So, don 't be shy, you blokes-----just get in there and front it out ! [ And remember, one must suffer to achieve anything ! ].

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why do we find it hard to chat up people we fancy :huh:


Because fear of rejection...Our confidence doesn't need to take a knock if already low.


They may have a Boyfriend?


It's harder for us men tbh.

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Ahh the old percentage game Bangy! Which category do you fall into?:love:

And do you always tell 'em your real name!;)

I just make a point of teling them of the fools I have to put up with on..I mention certain names and the laughter starts ...its a real ice breaker,maybe you should try it..oops sorry I forgot you will have to use the lack of personality way wont you oh gullible one,never mind one day you may have a life that doesnt involve trying to get peopls banned,paranoia can be treated you know ..see your doctor :D

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Although I am a confident and outgoing person, I get tongue tied when chatting up women with a chance of getting a date, though must admit I thankfully dont have to do as I am happily married and have been for a number of years.

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are you very confident and just go straight up to a woman you fancy :)

or are you scared of getting the brush off :(


do men enjoy women chatting them up :confused:


just after a few tips thats all :)


i do ok. the thing is, and this is true, i never really know i'm chatting someone up till they're asking where the bathroom is the next morning. never really had a problem.

and when i do set out to talk to someone i like i always try to remember that if they say no it's nothing but a thing. i can find another them soon enough.

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