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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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not being funny but i saw jack dee


Not being funny is a speciality of Jack Dee:D.


If you had millions and someone told you to give half to comic relief, what would you say? (remember the forum rule: no swearing)


Being honest?


1,000,000 - 5,000,000 I'd say no.


If I had more than 5,000,000 then I wouldn't care what happened to it (above 5,000,000 as 5,000,000 would allow me and my closest to live a very comfortable life indeed).

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That's what gets my goat the most mate. We blow Billions on overseas help as it is. But . . . in our own back street, nothing.


You not seen the £130 per child being given to kids in Sheffield (whose parents are on benefits) so that they can particpate in sports activites then?


You not seen any of the nurseries that are provided free that toddlers can go to?



Not aware that chidren can have a library ticket and have access to free books?


Not aware that if a child needs an operation they will get one free?


Not aware the kids of parents who get beefits get free school dinners?


Not aware that kids get free fruit and milk in school?


Not aware that kids can have their eyes checked for free?


Not aware that kids can get dental treatment?


Not aware that chidren can get medication (including not treatment !) for free?


And you don't want to give £1. to those kids who do have nothing.

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Do you know that some old people in hospital have food put out of their reach,because the nurses dont always realise they cannot feed themselves. Most of these old folks have fought in wars, and worked hard all their lives. Lets look after these people first !!


So how will not giving money to Comic Releif make the nurse who has ignored that patients need do her job correctly?

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But we already give to provide proper care to the elderly.....via our taxes. If the Government refuse to do that why is that the fault of a charity trying to give food to a starving child in Africa?


Well said taxman- I' m not quite getting the analagy of nurses not doing their jobs and comic relief either.

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We never said we needed handouts from the poorest people in the world. We said give the handouts to our own pensioners,some who have to sell their homes, to go into care, into a health service, in which they paid their National Insurance stamps into all their lives.


Why should they not sell their homes if they don't need to live in them? Is it because we expect inheritance?

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