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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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Is my being an "idiot" (with /without exclamation mark) worse in your HO than Spikey being a dumb ass and a prat ?


Just like to know where I am in the pecking order.


Just when I thought we were all gonna have a love in.!:rolleyes::rolleyes:(puts sandals away)

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That is also true. A real dilemma. I guess the west tries to take the moral high ground. It's the same as a Vicky Pollard turning up with her 5 kids by different fathers and a fag in her mouth sticking her hand out. Do we deny her money and let her kids starve because the mother is a parasite? There is only one sensible answer and that sensible answer is rippled around the world. However I know exactly what you mean and it has crossed my mind many times.
Even though in principle I'm against aid going out of this country before our own are properly cared for I've still donated £10 via my mobile phone.
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The way money is spent in the NHS has nothing to do with donating to charity either home or abroad. I don't see how anyone could think there is, yet it keeps being brought up. :confused:


No child in the UK has to live like many of the children whose lives have been shown tonight. I don't see how any civilised person can ignore the plight of babies and toddlers who are starving or seriously ill.


Well done to anyone who donates to any charity that helps the vulnerable, here or abroad. If Comic Relief raises awareness as well as cash then IMO its doing ok.

You know when you put money into the varous collection boxes shaken outside supermarkets etc have you asked yourself how much gets given to the shaker/collector

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