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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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You know when you put money into the varous collection boxes shaken outside supermarkets etc have you asked yourself how much gets given to the shaker/collector


Its funny you should say that. I was once in a pub,when a woman shook a collecting can in my face for some overseas charity. When I asked her for her ID, she fled the pub without even a backward glance.:roll:

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Ok.have you seen this happen? did you complain? have you contacted PALs? have you contacted the hospital trust? have you wrote to your MP to complain?

You shouldn't have to, if the places were run properly.

Would you give an elderly patient who'd suffered a stroke fried gammon, this patient only had full use in one arm, she was given a plastic knife and fork?

And yes we did complain especialy when a member of staff came in and said "Oh dear aren't we hungry tonight?", the patient was my late mother-in-law.

There are too many admin staff in hospitals these days.

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Its funny you should say that. I was once in a pub,when a woman shook a collecting can in my face for some overseas charity. When I asked her for her ID, she fled the pub without even a backward glance.:roll:

A friend of mine was doing this work he received 30% of the contents.

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You shouldn't have to, if the places were run properly.

Would you give an elderly patient who'd suffered a stroke fried gammon, this patient only had full use in one arm, she was given a plastic knife and fork?

And yes we did complain especialy when a member of staff came in and said "Oh dear aren't we hungry tonight?", the patient was my late mother-in-law.

There are too many admin staff in hospitals these days.


Spot on with this post.:)

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You shouldn't have to, if the places were run properly.

Would you give an elderly patient who'd suffered a stroke fried gammon, this patient only had full use in one arm, she was given a plastic knife and fork?

And yes we did complain especialy when a member of staff came in and said "Oh dear aren't we hungry tonight?", the patient was my late mother-in-law.

There are too many admin staff in hospitals these days.


Of course you should not have to.... and I am genuinely sorry that your mother in law was mistreated this way.


But I will say again - nowt to do with Comic Relief.

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Lots of people complain Comic Relief sends money overseas, I wonder how often those folks harping on about look after our own first actually do look after our own by donating to local (British) charities and volunteering time to charities that do some of the same good work that Comic Relief does abroad and at home.


Part of the reason 3rd world countries are so poor is because the developed/rich world keeps them that way by exploiting them. Buying up the minerals for example at prices that barely enable workers to buy food. That diamond in your ring that cost you £hundreds/£thousands did it occur to you how it was produced? It is after all a luxury item.


When you buy your flowers, do you think of the water that is being diverted away from populations of people in mid-Africa so you can have something that looks pretty for a week?


Then there is the massive debt that we keep under developed countries in through our international banking regimes.


Sending money alone of course will not solve problems, it needs the support from charitable organisations such as Comic Relief to get the help to where it is needed and hopefully reduce how much goes in the back pocket of whoever is in charge at the time in that country.


Do a little research and you will find that Comic Relief does do a lot of work within the UK as well as in poorer areas of the world. The proportion of funds being spent may be a little in favour of overseas projects, but we are a tiny country with a much smaller scale of problems.


If it bothers you that much that some aid is going abroad, donate to a UK charity however I suspect a lot that decry Comic Relief for sending aid abroad are the same people who will shout at a homeless guy looking in bins for food rather than offering to by him a lunch (witnessed in Hillsborough recently something along the lines of "get out of that bin you filthy *******" :( ).

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Good post DaFoot. :thumbsup:


I think we have to look beyond the troubles of the African countries that Comic Relief directs our donations to........and look into the eyes of those that are suffering. It's heartbreaking.


To see the expressions on the faces of babies who are facing death through no fault of their own is soul destroying. To know that a baby died because her mother couldn't afford the 35p bus fare to the hospital is something that hopefully nobody in this country will ever have to face.


I have my own thoughts and feelings about a lot of the stuff that happens in Africa. So many babies being born to die yet their mothers don't seem to be suffering from the same degree of starvation etc. Not many menfolk are ever seen either......but they obviously keep turning up for their "rights". Birth control continues to be the elephant in the room.....fuelled by religion!


We can't cure the ills of Africa. The United Nations won't place a "no fly" zone around Africa because they don't have oil! The despots that rule these countries will continue to do so.


But........we can make a difference to the poor children that are unlucky enough to be born into such a miserable existance. Comic relief does at least direct our donations to the places that will benefit the most.....and that includes UK projects.

I would rather donate to Comic relief then to some of the other charitable organisations who have a whole load of directors wages to pay first!

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You know when you put money into the varous collection boxes shaken outside supermarkets etc have you asked yourself how much gets given to the shaker/collector

Changing debates now bassman? - Is this because you're attempting to move the topic away from your realisation that voluntarily donating to a charity who gives money to African countries, has absolutely nothing to do with our government giving money [which is out of our hands] to countries that have nuclear arms, and who aren't in Africa, perchance?

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