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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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Can I just say on a relatively naive point of view. My daughter has watched some of comic relief tonight. She has cerebal palsy and the brain of a 6 year old. She said to me tonight ' I've never been starving, have I?' Food is one of her favourite things.


Now I know some of you will jump on this and say she is being brainwashed by what she has seen, but our donation has made her happy and that's what counts to me.


Beautiful post jane2008...


Whether or not she has the brain of a 6 year old... she shows understanding for the appreciation of food availability here, and interpreting compassion for others, far more than a few adult posters in this thread. :)

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Amen to that.


You know when you put money into the varous collection boxes shaken outside supermarkets etc have you asked yourself how much gets given to the shaker/collector

As a rule, zero. Try it some time, it's great fun.


The next time you see a local charity collection ask them how you can help instead of worrying how the money you kept in your pocket might have been spent if you'd have been generous enough to put it in the tin.

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Good post DaFoot. :thumbsup:


I think we have to look beyond the troubles of the African countries that Comic Relief directs our donations to........and look into the eyes of those that are suffering. It's heartbreaking.


To see the expressions on the faces of babies who are facing death through no fault of their own is soul destroying. To know that a baby died because her mother couldn't afford the 35p bus fare to the hospital is something that hopefully nobody in this country will ever have to face.


I have my own thoughts and feelings about a lot of the stuff that happens in Africa. So many babies being born to die yet their mothers don't seem to be suffering from the same degree of starvation etc. Not many menfolk are ever seen either......but they obviously keep turning up for their "rights". Birth control continues to be the elephant in the room.....fuelled by religion!


We can't cure the ills of Africa. The United Nations won't place a "no fly" zone around Africa because they don't have oil! The despots that rule these countries will continue to do so.


But........we can make a difference to the poor children that are unlucky enough to be born into such a miserable existance. Comic relief does at least direct our donations to the places that will benefit the most.....and that includes UK projects.

I would rather donate to Comic relief then to some of the other charitable organisations who have a whole load of directors wages to pay first!


Erm...isn't Libya in Africa?

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It's terrible that people starve all over the world. They're the victims of their own countries inadequacies and just bad luck. Its a bit of a mystery why poor people in other countries are expected to provide funds to resolve the matter. Its all a big con. I'm all for ending world poverty. If we kept our military out of wars for a start and the vast amount of money this costs, that would just about feed everybody in the world.

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Also I cannot abide Lenny Henry.:roll:


I was going to mention him! Jinx! But could not get my head around the spelling of the berks name! He worth millions. He should give half away, if he really cares, and that Bono out of U2.


On Red Nose Day, lots of these so called celebs,are never seen until this day comes along, and suddenly, there they are, the do gooders.:roll:


Look at the rosta thing! Even that bloke with 'Kes' on his shoulder is doing a comeback.


I think celebraties play a part in your lives more than you care to admit.:gag:

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A week ago I was a bit sceptical about another charity event. I even believe I may have started a thread on here asking people's opinions. I must say that after the build up and that record breaking radio show Chris Moyles did I had to give something.


I would only have spent it on drugs and things I didn't need anyway.

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Amen to that.



As a rule, zero. Try it some time, it's great fun.


The next time you see a local charity collection ask them how you can help instead of worrying how the money you kept in your pocket might have been spent if you'd have been generous enough to put it in the tin.

And you know that for sure do you, I stopped donating when my friend told me that he got 30% of the takings.
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