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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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Also I cannot abide Lenny Henry.:roll:


Not only children living in squalor, but the shame of old people being treated disrespectfully in hospital, and not being looked after properly. Lets see to our own first.


Has popps hacked yr account pattricia? :D

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Thanks for responding to me for once. :)

I'm not changing the debate at all we have many needy in this country.


It's terrible to see those children in Africa but where has the £Trillions gone that has already been poured into Aftrica.



That's a fair question. Not really on topic though, so I'll leave it for another.

You are not doing any good by pouring money in as has been done for god knows how many years with virtualy zero results.

There are lots of results. Or perhaps there are no positive ones. Again, choice. I, and you, and everyone else in this discussion has a CHOICE whether or not to give money to this charity.

Haven't you also noticed all these so called needy countries always seem to be awash with arms even kids as young as 10yrs in many cases, go on tell me who paid for those guns etc considering their babies are starving.

10 year olds' children are starving?


I know what you mean though. I occassionally watch the news. What sort of a life is it for a child who can't play like they should?... instead they are getting coerced into such madness. Politics normally.

Let's debate this next year, let's see what all this years aid has accomplished and see what emotional blackmail we get blasted with then.

I was disgusted with some of the emotional blackmail that I saw the other week (on a programme unrelated to Comic Relief)... it showed where a charity was running a school to give basic education to those who's family couldn't pay for it. They might have a chance of getting a better life. What a waste of money eh?. :gag:


There is information further afield that z-list celebrities. Some choose not to read it, or don't care. That's probably most to be honest.


Perhaps things have to be sensationalised these days, because so many people are mindless materialistic junkies, spoon fed for so long by a string of governments who pay for votes... that we just don't care anymore? I don't know.

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Beautiful post jane2008...


Whether or not she has the brain of a 6 year old... she shows understanding for the appreciation of food availability here, and interpreting compassion for others, far more than a few adult posters in this thread. :)


Thank you * ash *

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I am puzzled as to why you think that view is narrow minded.


The "look after our own first" point of view can only stem from the assumption that the problems likely to be faced in a country like the UK are in any way comparable to the problems likely to be faced in, say, Sub-Saharan Africa. This shows a monumental failure of any sort of perspective, insight or wider vision - hence narrow minded.

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How do you feel when 'others' are involved in the charity that you work for?


What others are you talking about ???


We are nt like the NSPCC or anything like it.


Our fundraising is very limited.


We struggle for grants because it is a Faith based charity. We are turned down regular for funding as there are many other charities in the UK looking for funding.


We are struggling bigtime but will plod on.

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The "look after our own first" point of view can only stem from the assumption that the problems likely to be faced in a country like the UK are in any way comparable to the problems likely to be faced in, say, Sub-Saharan Africa. This shows a monumental failure of any sort of perspective, insight or wider vision - hence narrow minded.


I dont think the view of take care of the people in this country regardless of what background they come from is narrow minded. People need our help.


I would be interested to know how much of the £74 million will be put into the UK.

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If I watch it (which I did) I feel I need to give something, despite the fact I am utterly skint myself. I went to there website and the lowest set amount was £30, I attempted to give a fiver a few times and it just wouldnt let me. I actually think it may not let you donate less than £30 on the website. A bit silly that :S

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I dont think the view of take care of the people in this country regardless of what background they come from is narrow minded. People need our help.


I would be interested to know how much of the £74 million will be put into the UK.


Why don't you look on the website? It tells you where the money goes to.

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