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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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I've not at any stage discussed the UK faction I object to the constant throwing of money down the drain in Africa where contrary to the myth little changes or why would we still keep being blasted with the emotional blackmail.....


I don't see a problem. Either you are moved enough to want to help by the information presented in the clips shown on CR or you are not. Nobody is banging you over the head demanding your money. They are simply asking for help and showing you why it is needed. Your emotional response and the choices you make are entirely your own.

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There you go again, confusing the Government with the truly deprived people. The charity doesn't free anything up for a nuclear arsenal, the kids would never see a penny were it not for the charity workers.


Of course, if you think it ok to leave them to spend their life in complete poverty whilst you enjoy all of your wealth, that is fine. I don't share your opinion.


You really don't know?


Of course it frees money up for nuclear arsenals, the government is supposed to be 'The People'.


It's not me who wants to see them spend their lives in poverty it's Their Government who does that.


Oh and I'm not wealthy I've earned my pension over 50 years.


And no I don't know of any insults like or as offensive as the one I reported.

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There's not really much to debate when posters such as yourself throw about opinions plucked from thin air with no basis in fact.


So Africa hasn't had many, many £Billions poured into it down the years, and for what?!

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So Africa hasn't had many, many £Billions poured into it down the years, and for what?!


As I keep saying, you need to do some research into the 100s of projects which have helped millions of people.

You seem to think those peoples lives are worthless and saving them is not an important part of what Comic Relief does.

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So Africa hasn't had many, many £Billions poured into it down the years, and for what?!


I am sure billions have been poured into Africa which is a massive continent with many problems. And much more will be required over the coming years too as life becomes harder due to Global warming which the First World is largely responsible for.


We have milked the planet for all its worth since the industrial revolution and its time we put something back which includes helping people in Africa.

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You go on to insult members of groups you've had no contact with. You contradict yourself in every feasible way tripping up left right and centre..
Utter rubbish, I've more than proved my point time over.

'They'll be back' as 'Arnie' said something like, you'll see next year.

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