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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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I see the usual suspects are coming out of the woodwork to defend their post modernist deity - the BBC.


I wasn't defending the BBC in this instance, just pointing out that your version of reality or notions of "the truth" bear no resemblance to what most normal, rational & proportional people think.


Hence the irony bit....

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I wasn't defending the BBC in this instance, just pointing out that your version of reality or notions of "the truth" bear no resemblance to what most normal, rational & proportional people think.


Is this similar to the same version of 'reality' in which the BBC labels over a million non-customers as criminals, without a single shred of evidence?

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Is this similar to the same version of 'reality' in which the BBC labels over a million non-customers as criminals, without a single shred of evidence?


No, I think we established that.


I was referring the blatant lies you've spouted in order to support your view, and the manner in which you seem to vanish from threads or refuse to respond to any post that highlights them for what they are.


A small sample of which are:-


The UK License fee provides free TV for US citizens.

The BBC stifles innovation.

The BBC artificially raises wages.

John Ross didn't take a pay cut to stay with the BBC.


Frankly, there have been so many it's difficult to recall them all ;)


Again, your version or reality and notions of "the truth" don't bear up under any normal or proportional scrutiny.


Hence the Irony bit.....

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Well I have to say I have done a huge U-Turn on my stance with Red nose day.


Unbeknown to me My children at school have done some activities for sponsors money in aid of Comc relief. They dont always tell me they are doing sponsership as I tell them just to put the usual amount down for me, their Dad and Grandparents etc....I wasnt at all happy with this and was then questioned by my 10 year old Daughter as to why I wasnt happy, to which I replied that they are people in this country that need our money as well as people overseas and that I believe we should support them and anything else afterwards is fine....to which my Daughter replied....its only once a year Mum is it really gunna kill you to help these Human Beings? (her words not mine) to which I had no reply.......and they say kids don't learn much these days. I beg to differ.


Sooooo from now on just once a year I will give money to Comic Relief and feel better in doing so too.

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