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I'm Not Giving Comic Relief Any Of My Money

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Haven't we done that one.

The nurses need to be told to nurse their patients as the nurses get paid to do that, they get paid from our taxes...........it has nothing to do with Comic Relief.


If you have seen old people not getting fed TELL someone who can do something about it.


whenever ive visited relatives in hospital ive given other patients a hand with thier meals and drinks ( before anyone asks yes i mean feeding the patient, not helping myself to thier meal ) its usually appreciated by the wards support staff who sometimes havnt had a chance to get to all the patients requireing assistance


no need for anyone to starve in hospital if people just gave others a little thought

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A lot of problems in 3rd world countries are a direct result of our actions in those countries. Why shouldn't we oput some effort into helping folks caught up in the mess we have had a hand creating.


:thumbsup: give that man a prize!

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To some degree true, but where has all the £Billions poured into Africa in Aid gone?

Nigeria has oil but look how the population live where is all the money from the sale of Nigerian oil gone.

Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa, Kenya was left in a marvelous state on gaining independence.

South Africa is rich in so much but do the children in shanty towns benefit?

I'm sorry but for me Africa is a self inflicted injury.


Oh dear...just when I thought we might be getting somewhere. :)


Have you asked yourself who props up these regimes perchance?


We are the who and what props up these regimes; Foreign Aid, Comic relief, due to the milking off of the profits from the individual countries natural resourses by most of the polititions running these countries.

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Originally Posted by DaFoot

A lot of problems in 3rd world countries are a direct result of our actions in those countries. Why shouldn't we oput some effort into helping folks caught up in the mess we have had a hand creating.


Well do tell us which countries in Africa we left in a bad state of affairs.

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Originally Posted by Rampent

There's loads that spring up after every disaster.



Please tell me you're not the kind of moron that would use that as an excuse not to give to genuine disaster relief appeals...


Unless English is your second language you seem to have completely missed the point of issue.

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Please tell me you're not the kind of moron that would use that as an excuse not to give to genuine disaster relief appeals...


No, but would Japan, or Africa set up internet sites to help the UK in dire straits? Note - I did not call you a moron.

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No, but would Japan, or Africa set up internet sites to help the UK in dire straits? Note - I did not call you a moron.


Note - I did not say you were a moron. I was asking for reassurance that you were not a moron. You've kindly reassured me - thanks.


Whether or not Japan or Africa would be setting up donation sites if we were up the creek is neither here nor there.*

That like suggesting that it's alright not to help people in need just because someone else isn't helping them. A pitifully weak argument in my opinion.




*Although actually, I'm sure I heard recently that even Afghanistan had offered aid to Japan. They sent $50,000. Nice gesture wouldn't you agree?

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