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The next big war

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Well, with the way things go right now I fear that the next big war will be a religious one. As much as I want to be mistaken, we can all see this massive, growing animosity between western world and certain fanatical Islamic leaders. And as much as I regard Islam as a peaceful religion, I'm afraid that few twisted maniacs will be more likely to follow their equally twisted leaders in the Holy War. We had a preview in Yogoslavia in 90's. Example of Serbian Christians who massacred Serbian Muslims and Serbian Orthodox and vice versa illustrates, how dangerous religion war can be not only because it'll involve the whole parts of the world, but mainly because we won't be save in our own country.


Don't forget certain Christian extremists who started the Iraq war.


(and don't get us started on the Jewish ones)... :cool:

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Isreal will wipe out a million Iranians with a nuclear strike.


The US will condemn them but secretly send in armament to defend them in the Arab backlash that will ensue.


Britain will ask the French for backup as we wont have enough of a defence force to do anything other than talk a big fight, and will have to drag our troops out of Afganistan and everywhere else, leaving them to it.


Meanwhile China will make secret deals with some of the Arab world to Arm them for oil contracts and the US will get wind of it and start fronting them up. Russia suprisingly will back up the west and a lot of chest beating will go on.


If this lot actually happens I will spend a quid on the lottery and build a complex to live in with my winnings close to the south pole until its all sorted out. :D

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China Vs US for Middle East Oil I'd say


Spot on.


The next big war has already started. It's being fought as a currency war at the moment, after that it will most likely escalate into ongoing trade wars.


Competition over increasingly scarce amounts of oil, natural gas and other commodities will lead inevitably to resource wars.


Gerald Celente (Trends Research Institute), puts it in his usual colourful style:


”We believe we are moving closer and closer to the first great war of the 21st century and unfortunately we believe that the United States is leading the world to that war.”


“Current events form future trends” says Gerald Celente while citing the different wars that the United States is currently engaged in from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan… The United States administration will find their Bogeyman to have an excuse for the war , this time it looks like the Bogeyman is Iran.


”Who can believe this stuff” Those career politicians cannot defeat a street gang in Chicago and they want to go to war, who are they kidding …”With no more massive economic bubbles available to blow up, they’ll set their sights on bigger targets. “Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war”.


Since the “Bailout Bubble” is neither called nor recognized as a bubble, its sudden and spectacular explosion will create chaos. A panicked public will readily accept any Washington/Wall Street/main stream media alibi that shifts the blame for the catastrophe away from the policy makers and onto some scapegoat. “At this time we are not forecasting a war. However, the trends in play are ominous,” Celente concluded. “While we cannot pinpoint precisely when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it does, it should be understood that a major war could follow.”


Those who still believe the invasion of Iraq was down to Saddam's links with the 9/11 attacks (disproved), weapons of mass destruction (nonexistent) or a desire to bring "freedom" to its population (laughable) and NOT to secure the oil production facilities of the area will probably mill around in their usual confused "what's going on?" state, bringing back fond memories of the BBC classic, "One Man and his Dog".

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The next big war will be the one where all religions fall. They are seeing how wrong their beliefs are but ultimately, being a bit backwards the religion based nations will want one last war in the name of god.


yes sure.. once the Government announces the existence of Aliens


they will convince the world population that a new world order is required with a single government ( UN ) single currency ( headed by IMF and World Bank )



religious Muslims , Christians AND some jews will be persecuted for their religious believes by the masses of atheists who will say God does NOT exists Look at these aliens.


why else do you think that ALL the mainstream no matter how serious will ALWAYS put out a UFO or Alien story!

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Doctor Evil assisted by his team of former Nazi scientists and harem of beautiful scantily clad sensuous women will devise a fiendish plot to start WW3 from his secret hideout on a remote uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific

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