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Libya declares ceasefire

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What if Gadaffi has the support of the majority of the population? How do we know he doesn't?


And who are these rebels that we are supporting? We know nothing about their political aims or their plans for Libya's future should they win.

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I can say with some confidence that there is at least some support for our intervention in Libya, unless your trying to say that the uprising was created as a smokescreen by western powers?


As you clearly didnt understand the point I was making about war vs oil, there seems little point in going into it any more depth with you (incidentally that point wasnt just aimed at you, more the chattering masses who screech 'war for oil' at every opportunity)...


I understand, I just don't agree - that's all.

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What if Gadaffi has the support of the majority of the population? How do we know he doesn't?


If he had that, then there wouldn't be a war at all. His opposition would have a political voice & would be fighting in free and fair elections instead of being killed by Gadaffi's mercenaries, army & secret police.

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If he had that, then there wouldn't be a war at all. His opposition would have a political voice & would be fighting in free and fair elections instead of being killed by Gadaffi's mercenaries, army & secret police.


You don't think there's a possibility that Gadaffi is supported by many of his people then? I think you're confusing the lack of democracy in Libya with lack of support for Gadaffi. There's no way of knowing what level of support he enjoys.

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What if Gadaffi has the support of the majority of the population? How do we know he doesn't?


And who are these rebels that we are supporting? We know nothing about their political aims or their plans for Libya's future should they win.


If people are confident that they are supported by the population they hold elections to prove it to the world.


I suspect that folk in Libya will be grateful for being given a chance at self determination. They will be looking for friends as they have a country to rebuild.

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I think Peter Tatchell (not someone I'm usually a big fan of) summed up the opposition to the Libyan intervention quite nicely -


“It is very disappointing the way some of my Left-wing colleagues disparage the UN-sanctioned military strikes against Gaddafi, but fail to offer any alternative strategy to protect the civilian population,”. Although Tatchell stresses that the air strikes have to be “targeted” to safeguard civilians as much as possible, he says it is necessary also to be realistic. “While war is ghastly, so, too, are massacres of innocent people,” he says. “Those who condemn the war have a moral duty to explain how they would save the many Libyans who will be slaughtered if Gaddafi triumphs.”



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You don't think there's a possibility that Gadaffi is supported by many of his people then? I think you're confusing the lack of democracy in Libya with lack of support for Gadaffi. There's no way of knowing what level of support he enjoys.


If Gadaffi thought that he was supported by a majority of Libyans, why wouldn't he have democracy?


If dictators weren't unpopular then they wouldn't be dictators. There's no confusion there.

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  • 2 months later...

Seems to be lasting a long time. Is this what people envisaged when NATO first went in? It seem's Gadaffi has more support than some people thought. Now NATO are killing some of the civilians that they were sent in to protect.

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