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Libya declares ceasefire

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I think that Gaddafi called the ceasefire because he knows he cannot win against the un and that if he carried on committing war crimes him and his regime would be wiped out but are these just words ?

As last night he also said that he would attack passenger planes and shipping and also attack the rebels in Benghazi and show no mercy


Or perhaps he's just buying time?


I'm not as sure as some others on here, that this ceasefire means the UN won't act.

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Not surprisingly Russia and China abstained from the vote ... Wonder if that has anything to do with oil, gas and arms shipments.
One glance at the news shows me Ghaddafi's hardware is all Russian (SU-25 bombers, BMPs, T55s, T72s, all small arms are AK variants...except for the 'good' German stuff (HK) his son was brandishing the other week), and it's no secret that Russia has used Libyan ports for re-supply in the Western Med for decades (incl. the USSR days).


As for the oil and gas, it's not only Russia and China, but all of the BRIC countries and the one remaining European country that's still reasonably functioning economically, Germany, that have abstained. So, wonder no more ;)

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TBH I can't see a ceasefire solving the situation. I expect Daffy will just probably back down until the western threat withdraws then just start up killing people again because I can't see the rebels(?) stopping their actions.

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Question: When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire?

Answer: When it is declared by Col Gaddafi




From the BBC live feed in the last half hour:


2000: Julian Borger, writing in his Guardian blog, says the time pressure on the UN coalition is intense. "If Benghazi falls before the air operation gets off the ground, it would be the worst of all worlds," he writes. "Gaddafi will have defied the UN, and any subsequent air strikes against his forces could simply worsen the reprisals against the rebels and the people of Benghazi."


1954: A bit more on those Al-Jazeera reports. The station says its correspondent in Benghazi has learned that loyalist forces are clashing with rebels in the towns of Al-Magroun and Slouq, about 30 miles (50km) from the city.


1950: Tripolitanian tweets: "Libyan #Gaddafi elite troops now entering #Misrata with tanks and armored vehicles #Libya #Feb17 (waiting for more confirmation)"


1943: Al Jazeera TV reports that pro-Gaddafi forces are advancing quickly towards Benghazi.


1937: Just in: In a joint statement, the UK, France and the US demand Col Gaddafi's troops halt their advance on Benghazi and withdraw from several cities. Further to that, the French also demand gas, electricity, and water is reconnected in towns where it has been cut off.


1930: FreeBenghazi tweets: "Gaddafi offensive against opposition continues despite today's ceasefire declaration."




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Gaddafi knows that if the rebels got hold of him he would be killed, obviously he is going to attack the rebels as they are his enemy. Gaddafi isn't an angel but there is too much hypocrisy in this situation. Robert Mugabe springs to mind.

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Gaddafi knows that if the rebels got hold of him he would be killed, obviously he is going to attack the rebels as they are his enemy. Gaddafi isn't an angel but there is too much hypocrisy in this situation. Robert Mugabe springs to mind.


I suspect he knows he'll be killed anyway, whether by it's the rebels or results of a trial in an international court

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I suspect he knows he'll be killed anyway, whether by it's the rebels or results of a trial in an international court


Or by the same people who are presently protecting him. Once they see their bribes going down the tube he'll be pretty much useless as a cash cow.

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