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Are we at war with Libya?

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Well, if you want to go and see for yourself, you're welcome to do so. - I'll hold your coat while you're gone, if you like.


If -as another poster said - Al Jazeera is reporting civilian deaths as 64 and if 122 or more missiles have been launched, then with about 0.5 civilians killed per missile fired, there is no evidence to suggest that civilians are being targetted deliberately.


The total number of people likely to be killed (and Gaddhaffi's soldiers are people, too) if his Command, Control, Comms and Intelligence sites, together with his AA sites are to be destroyed is likely to be far in excess of 64.

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Also the Arab league welcomed and agreed to the invovlment of the UN but now they are up in arms about the bombing.

I am watching it on Sky news now.


You can't win with Arabs. You'll be popular one day and the devil the next.

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I can't make my mind up on this ,i supported those doing the uprising and thought it the right thing to do (give them some protection from air attacks ) i thought though it would be a case of air patrols preventig 'Daffis' planes from attacking,to even things up a bit.


Seems though "we" have gone way over the top (should've known i know) and have just seized upon an opportunity to blow the hell out of another country , made a bit more profit for the arms industry and probably made a bad situation worse.


I can't help but support the underdog so am feeling a bit sorry now for Gaddafi.(i don't for a minute condone his actions)

Of course he could just step down and if he's really so sure his people love him ,have a national vote perhaps overseen by the UN and find out what the majority really want ,he does seem to have a large number of supporters.


Perhaps he is just fighting "terrorism" and us bully boys have taken advantage.


did you ever work for the U.N?:huh:or are you a male nurse?

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I can understand why there is now a no fly zone in force so that planes cannot be used to bomb their own people but why are the fighters patrolling the area attacking targets on the ground and what has the use of missiles to hit military bases got to do with a no fly zone.

It sounds to me like they could be softening them up for a ground invasion which the yanks and the UK said is not going to happen.

Can somebody please explain this to me.





daffi ducks got the army ,the tanks and all big guns they would just slaughter the "rebels" in benghazi .this way it evens things up a bit and they get to slaughter each other ...

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Also the Arab league welcomed and agreed to the invovlment of the UN but now they are up in arms about the bombing.

I am watching it on Sky news now.





typical arabs get somebody else to take care of the human rights then try and steal the glory .this is all because they might have to pay for the wests intervention .wait till they get the bill for the tomahawk missiles:hihi:

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Well, if you want to go and see for yourself, you're welcome to do so. - I'll hold your coat while you're gone, if you like.


If -as another poster said - Al Jazeera is reporting civilian deaths as 64 and if 122 or more missiles have been launched, then with about 0.5 civilians killed per missile fired, there is no evidence to suggest that civilians are being targetted deliberately.


The total number of people likely to be killed (and Gaddhaffi's soldiers are people, too) if his Command, Control, Comms and Intelligence sites, together with his AA sites are to be destroyed is likely to be far in excess of 64.


According to Skynews, Libya news reports say at least 48 killed, with over 100 injured. USA report no civilian casualties. .....Well the propoganda sure is in full swing, so it feels like war.


I wonder if our press will act more responsibly and professionally this time.

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Why the hell are we getting involved with Libya? It's a no win - no win situation for us.


It is supposedly to protect civilians - but just one civilian death by one of our bombs will go against what we're there to do. Not only that - the entire Arab world will be up in arms at the evil bloodthirsty Western imperialist invaders (whilst neatly overlooking all of the death caused by Col. Daffy, and in their own back yards by their own leaders).


The Arab League who initially wanted a No Fly Zone now appears to be getting cold feet, with it's Secretary General condemning the supposed bombardment of civilians. The guy is either stupid, naive, or playing a dangerous game of double crossing us. So he only wants a No Fly Zone with no bombs being dropped, does he not expect us to take out their air defences so that our planes don't get shot down whilst enforcing the No Fly Zone that they wanted? Or have they lined up the bullets for us to fire, whilst plotting to condemn us for pulling the trigger? The Arab League cannot be trusted. Their members consist of some of the most authoritarian dictatorships and theocracies on the planet, what interest do they have in seeing one of their own ilk get their come-uppence, when they're hardly models of liberty and human rights themselves?


Also what about the opposition in Libya? What if they march on Tripoli and start to slaughter the supporters of Col. Daffy? What are we going to do, then attack them? If that happens, it is us that will have enabled the bloodbath to happen.

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