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Are we at war with Libya?

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Syria are at it now. Read Nostradamus he predicted many thing that have come to pass. .


No-one has used Nostradamus to predict anything..all that happens is that after the event some one says "If you read Nostadamus,he predicted this"...it's always in hindsight..not too good for a "seer" is it?

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Why the hell are we getting involved with Libya? It's a no win - no win situation for us.


It is supposedly to protect civilians - but just one civilian death by one of our bombs will go against what we're there to do. Not only that - the entire Arab world will be up in arms at the evil bloodthirsty Western imperialist invaders (whilst neatly overlooking all of the death caused by Col. Daffy, and in their own back yards by their own leaders).


The Arab League who initially wanted a No Fly Zone now appears to be getting cold feet, with it's Secretary General condemning the supposed bombardment of civilians. The guy is either stupid, naive, or playing a dangerous game of double crossing us. So he only wants a No Fly Zone with no bombs being dropped, does he not expect us to take out their air defences so that our planes don't get shot down whilst enforcing the No Fly Zone that they wanted? Or have they lined up the bullets for us to fire, whilst plotting to condemn us for pulling the trigger? The Arab League cannot be trusted. Their members consist of some of the most authoritarian dictatorships and theocracies on the planet, what interest do they have in seeing one of their own ilk get their come-uppence, when they're hardly models of liberty and human rights themselves?


Also what about the opposition in Libya? What if they march on Tripoli and start to slaughter the supporters of Col. Daffy? What are we going to do, then attack them? If that happens, it is us that will have enabled the bloodbath to happen.


you might find some of them fought as mercenaries against the coalition forces in Iraq

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No-one has used Nostradamus to predict anything..all that happens is that after the event some one says "If you read Nostadamus,he predicted this"...it's always in hindsight..not too good for a "seer" is it?


No one used Nostadamus to predict anything, well no he made the predictions, and died in 1566, so how can he have predictions of hindsight unless he predicted that ?.

What do you predict, that would be interesting !:huh::loopy::rant::clap::banana::twisted::evil::love:

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No one used Nostadamus to predict anything, well no he made the predictions, and died in 1566, so how can he have predictions of hindsight unless he predicted that ?.

What do you predict, that would be interesting !:huh::loopy::rant::clap::banana::twisted::evil::love:


What I'm saying is that no-one has read a quatrain and said "This means that in x years y will happen" It's always "If you interpret this verse like this then it's obvious Nostrodamus fore saw it"...after the event...

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you might find some of them fought as mercenaries against the coalition forces in Iraq


I heard and read that Libya (particularly the east of the country) sent more suicide bombers to Iraq than any other country. Col Daffy might be a pain, but goodness knows what will come after.

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Gaddafi is no threat to Britain so we should keep out of it. Gaddafi isn't killing British people so I don't understand why our government is bothered. Same with the first Gulf war, Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait not Britain we should not have got involved.

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Gaddafi is no threat to Britain so we should keep out of it. [b]Gaddafi isn't killing British people so I don't understand why our government is bothered. [/b] Same with the first Gulf war, Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait not Britain we should not have got involved.





should have sent him a tomahawk crusie misslie for every single person that died at lockerbie .just take this as delayed payback

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"should have sent him a tomahawk crusie misslie for every single person that died at lockerbie .just take this as delayed payback "


I think you are confusing Gadaffi with his population, who probably had little to do with any decision to bomb passenger jets and have recently expressed a long festering dissatisfaction with their dictatorial leader. Dramatised, aggressive and vengeful nonsense.

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I worry that the decision to pursue a no fly zone might have been made hastily. That there has been little strategic thought into what might happen next. That civilian casualties might increase under the continued barrage. That engagement might last many years. That what felt like the right thing to do to the average man in the street, myself included, might, behind the scenes have been an military engagement with very different goals to the humanitarian basis it was sold to us on.

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"should have sent him a tomahawk crusie misslie for every single person that died at lockerbie .just take this as delayed payback "


I think you are confusing Gadaffi with his population, who probably had little to do with any decision to bomb passenger jets and have recently expressed a long festering dissatisfaction with their dictatorial leader. Dramatised, aggressive and vengeful nonsense.



since when have a population ever had a decision on what target to bomb during war or terrorism ?.I think you're getting confused about daffi and sons private armys ,the tribe he belongs to, and is supporters in tripoli ,who have grown fat on is corrupt regime.as for dramatised ,aggressive and vengeful nonsense,try telling that to the relatives of the lockerbie bomb victims .

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