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Lived one of my worst nightmares today

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When my 20 & 22 yr olds go out drinking in town I do not rest or sleep until they are safely home. One of my worst nightmares is something happening to them while they are out.

Today my hubby got up & found my 20yr old laid on hall floor covered in blood.

Is face is a right mess

Gash along eyebrow, lump above is eye, ear ache, swollen lip, eye nearly closed, graze about size of fifty pence piece on his cheekbone, mark on cheek, mark on shoulder, hip, wrist, hand, kick mark on knee, headache, jaw ache, swollen knuckle.

He remembers going into a club but has no recollection after that, until his dad woke him up.

His phone is missing too.

I have been so upset ever since, I can't stop thinking about it & crying, he's never been in trouble in his life, he's always cheerful & friendly.

How do I get over this & rest when he goes out again ( which won't be this week at least)

Am I over reacting or are most parents like this?

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most parents are like it i suppose, obviously you dont want your kids to be hurt. its natural, but i suppose you also have to try and ignore it, for your own sake as much as theirs, you need rest and to have a life.

this is an unfortunate event, doesnt happen that often tho tbh, ive had my own scrapes int he past, at least with swollen knuckles he may have given as much as he got

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How awful, I hope he makes a swift recovery.

I don't think you're over reacting, i'd the same, it's your child.

The thought of my son growing up scares me to death. He's only 4 at the minute but I fear every next step - school, then even worse, secondary school. Then after that going out to the pubs and clubs etc. It's sends my stomach in knots just thinking about it.

Unfortunately, other than keeping him in forever more there's not much you can do. It's an awful job being a Mum, whilst ironically being the best job in the world.

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Of course you're worried but he's been out, got in a scrape and had a bit of bother. Luckily he's not badly injured or dead. He is 20 though so there isn't much you can do. If he wants to go out he will. Besides which he doesn't know what happened, for all he knows he might have started it or done something to start it. Chalk it up to experience and move on.

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He doesn't think police could do anything because he can't remember what happened to him


He should still report it though - even a tiny bit of information may be what the police need to help them to locate the attacker. Can he or his friends remember which club they were in and at what time ? CCTV may assist any information.

My son was thumped in the face at the end of last year. He wasn't as badly hurt as your son sounds to be but I can understand your upset and confusion as to while a friendly and unthreatening person could be attacked for no apparent reason.

I hope that his injuries aren't too serious - has he been checked over by a doctor ? - and you can both recover from this very upsetting event.

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