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Lived one of my worst nightmares today

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Not if someone else could have been hurt. Think about other parents who could be worrying because their son was beaten up.
I know i'm being mercenary but what if they report it and the CCTV shows their son committing a criminal act and getting beaten up for it? He doesn't have to have hurt someone but he could be arrested for it.


Chances are the police can't and won't do anything anyway. What are you going to say? "Hello police, I went out last night, got hammered, can't remember anything but someone beat me to paste. Arrest them immediately". They'll give you a crime number mark it as a PGT and make a brew.

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I know i'm being mercenary but what if they report it and the CCTV shows their son committing a criminal act and getting beaten up for it? He doesn't have to have hurt someone but he could be arrested for it.


Chances are the police can't and won't do anything anyway. What are you going to say? "Hello police, I went out last night, got hammered, can't remember anything but someone beat me to paste. Arrest them immediately". They'll give you a crime number mark it as a PGT and make a brew.


According to your scenario it could be that two criminal offences were committed. Two wrongs don't make a right. If that is the case the lad should be arrested for committing a crimianl act.


As the lad appears to have bashed up knuckles it could be that he did give someone a pasting and as I said before there could be other parents suffering because their son arrived home badly beaten.


If the police don't do anything it might just be a lesson learnt.

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I've got three sons. 18, 22 and 24 years old now. Never been in any trouble. Either at work, school, or at home. About 8 years ago the two oldest were mugged outside Concord Leisure Centre. Phone and money nicked by two chav scum aged about 16 with a 12 year old hanger-on. They phoned me on a public phone, then the police. I turned up in the car and drove them to where the detritus ran but couldn't find them. Lucky really, because if I'd found them, I'd have used the car to mow the scum down. After all, we do it to rats, don't we? And that's all these scum were.

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That is really bad and I hope he is ok. I would say there is always a chance he knows exactly what has happened though and its just something he doesnt particularly want to share with his mum and dad.


You took the words right out of my mouth! OTOH, I'm sure he's traumatized by the entire episode, and feeling bad that he's upset and scared his parents. Hope everyone feels better and you get this mystery unraveled. :thumbsup:

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If I was in your position, and worrying that much about them both when they go out, I'd have a house rule that they had be back in by midnight and still relatively compos mentis.


Sounds harsh when they're the age they are, but I couldn't cope with the worry and I certainly wouldn't want to be losing sleep over my adult children.

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When my 20 & 22 yr olds go out drinking in town I do not rest or sleep until they are safely home. One of my worst nightmares is something happening to them while they are out.

Today my hubby got up & found my 20yr old laid on hall floor covered in blood.

Is face is a right mess

Gash along eyebrow, lump above is eye, ear ache, swollen lip, eye nearly closed, graze about size of fifty pence piece on his cheekbone, mark on cheek, mark on shoulder, hip, wrist, hand, kick mark on knee, headache, jaw ache, swollen knuckle.

He remembers going into a club but has no recollection after that, until his dad woke him up.

His phone is missing too.

I have been so upset ever since, I can't stop thinking about it & crying, he's never been in trouble in his life, he's always cheerful & friendly.

How do I get over this & rest when he goes out again ( which won't be this week at least)

Am I over reacting or are most parents like this?


Of course you are upset its really horrible seeing someone you love in that state. Especially if its your child it will be very distressing to look at them all beaten up. Its such a big shock seeing someone like that especially if theres no explanation.


At least he is ok and sometimes it does take something like that to make you think about how much you can drink safely on a night. You never know this incident might stop something worse happening to him in future.

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By the kids own admission he doesn't know what happened. Maybe he started it? Maybe he fell. Sometimes its worth letting sleeping dogs lie.


I agree.


As someone else says, you can't wrap them up in cotton wool. I've been going out since I was 17, I'm 20 now. Every week and nothing like this has ever happened to me nor my friends. You can't just sit up every time they go out expecting it to happen.


You really need to find something worth worrying about, if partying in town was particularly unsafe people wouldn't go.


Stop worrying about it.

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