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Pig headed drivers- are you one (Manchester)?

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Thats really the best policy. Have you noticed that since adopting this attitude, your journeys are much more enjoyable?


Infinitely. :hihi:

Most people are cool, but if someone dares interfere with their position on the road they go ballistic, looking back 15 years i was a right tw*t, and i hated driving.

If someone wants to gain 30 seconds on the road by risking their life, let em, you may lose 2 or 3 seconds due to braking but so what.

Let the idiots go on their way, if they aren't around you they can't harm you.

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I am merely attempting to enlighten them in my own way.


Good answer :D



Infinitely. :hihi:

Most people are cool, but if someone dares interfere with their position on the road they go ballistic, looking back 15 years i was a right tw*t, and i hated driving.

If someone wants to gain 30 seconds on the road by risking their life, let em, you may lose 2 or 3 seconds due to braking but so what.

Let the idiots go on their way, if they aren't around you they can't harm you.


Similarly, although i always enjoyed driving, i used to be quite... animated toward people who cut me up.. until one day about 15 years ago when i erupted at a car that contained 2 extremely large gentlemen that happened also to be off duty police officers. Fortunately, i didnt get my head kicked in but did receive a few words of wisdom. Wise words they were too and ever since then, i have been a much calmer driver and tend to let others get on with their own lunacy.

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I drive this route at least once a week and know exactly where you mean. When I first started doing it I used to fly up the outside lane and cut in near the lights as I was following a sat nav and didn't realise this lane filtered right, after a couple of times of doing it I felt guilty so unless in a rush and there's an obviously slow moving lorry, I now queue up. I've been known to toot someone cutting in.


On the way back, I have to admit to being someone who uses the right lane if it's a peak time. It's soul destroying to sit in that queue. I've sat there for over an hour before watching others sail past me in the right lane.


I now take the right lane and either look for a gap to nip into near the top of the queue, go right round or....and this is a good one.....turn right at the roundabout, go past McDonalds, take the first left and follow the road to the end, turn left and join up at the lights, to then turn right and join that long queue going down the hill. It's an under used rat run. If I sat in that queue at 4 or 5pm on a week day I'd not get home til nearly 8.


On a slightly cheerier note, don't you just love the shop near the traffic lights that sells ornamental animals and hardware. I wonder who bought the gorilla.

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We've been over Mottram on our way to Chester today and seen the suicidal cutting in technique exhibited by literally dozens of drivers at exactly the place that you're describing danot and it was truly scary seeing the lengths and the danger that some people are prepared to go to in order to get into the inside lane.


Most of them weren't 'let in' by anybody, they just drove up the outside lane and forced the nose of their car in between cars in the inside lane so that the drivers in the inside lane were left with no choice other than to brake or drive into another car.


When I was a rep and drove 50000 miles a year I used to do my fair share of barging in to queues and the like, but I never consciously drove down the outside lane knowing that I would have to cut someone up to get back in to the inside lane or down the outside of a queue coming up to roadworks. If I ever did it, it was because I was in the lane as a mistake because of not being familiar with the road or whatever.


It's not an excuse and I'm sure that at least a few of the people I saw doing it today realised when they got into the outside lane that they really needed to be in the other lane instead. The difference with me, when I realised that I needed to be in the other lane at that spot in Mottram was that instead of barging in and risking causing a crash I accepted that I was in the wrong lane and turned right at the traffic lights, then found a way to come back to main road at the next traffic lights.


It is scary Medusa. I saw a wagon nearly write someone off on tuesday by cutting into the A57 turn off at the last second. It's Bonkers.

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If someone cuts me up I simply put my headlights on main beam and dazzle them for as long as they are in front of me. They do get annoyed though!


If someone does that to me I just flick the mirror up with the switch that stops you being blinded by lights. I can't see it then.

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