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Pig headed drivers- are you one (Manchester)?

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If someone does that to me I just flick the mirror up with the switch that stops you being blinded by lights. I can't see it then.


the other way of deterring these people from doing this, is to turn your rear view mirror so that their full beam is directed back at their eyes. It soon stops. :hihi:

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Quite often, mainly on route to and from work I'll see these pig headed drivers whiz pass me on the dual carriageway heading up to mottram when heading to work then they expect someone to allow them into the inside lane. they even do it when it's not that busy. Why should anyone let them in when they can't be bothered to wait like everyone else?


It's the same on my way home when coming off the M67 exit at the hattersley round-about waiting to get on the A57 woodhead , they take the right-hand lane indicating to go around the hattersley round-about then cut in around the drivers that have been waiting to turn left onto the woodhead. They drive me potty.


Why do drivers allow them in. Stop letting them in then they might stop being so damn pig headed.


They know who they are!! :mad:


Why are some numtpy drivers hell bent on forming a queue at every opertunaty when there is empty road to use just beats me.

You should ask someone who teaches advanced driving which lane they would be in,i think you would be suprised by the answer..Happy queing!

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Ok, please explain to me why it's wrong to use both lanes when even the road signs tell you to do so.
It isn't wrong to use both lanes, I've never suggested otherwise.


Although could you tell me where the signs are on the M67 east bound that instruct drivers to use both lanes to get onto the A57(woodhead). Could you also tell me where the signs are that instruct drivers to use both lanes of the A57 west bound(mottram)to get onto the M67?

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Why are some numtpy drivers hell bent on forming a queue at every opertunaty when there is empty road to use just beats me.

You should ask someone who teaches advanced driving which lane they would be in,i think you would be suprised by the answer..Happy queing!

Advanced driving skills?.. is that what's needed when tearing past slow moving traffic then cutting them up because you can't be bothered to queue?
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Advanced driving skills?.. is that what's needed when tearing past slow moving traffic then cutting them up because you can't be bothered to queue?


Tearing is that what you call it?Some would say that its normal progress past idiots that want to sit about queing all day clogging up the roads.


Did you ask an Advanced trainer?I guess not!

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the other way of deterring these people from doing this, is to turn your rear view mirror so that their full beam is directed back at their eyes. It soon stops. :hihi:


Good plan. There's too many people seem to think overtaking is illegal now. They make no progress then when you overtake them, are flashing and waving their silly arms.

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I drive this route at least twice a week to Stockport and it drives me INSANE when people cut in.

It always busy that road- even at 'off peak' times. So anyone (unless its an emergency) who tries to cut in gets daggers off me, I have even been known to flip the birdy at times haha :hihi:

Having said that its such a bloomin awful drive when its busy that it does cause you to act out of character.. :)

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