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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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no no no they just weren't - as you might say - that isn't true.


Gospel of Matthew - The strongest evidence attesting to Matthew’s authorship is the fact that four ancient sources (Papias of Asia Minor, Irenaeus of Gaul, Pantaenus, and Origen of Alexandria and Caesarea) specifically attribute the Gospel of Matthew to Matthew, the disciple of Jesus.


Gospel of Mark - Early church figures, including Papias, Irenaeus, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, and Jerome of Palestine all attribute Mark's Gospel to Mark. There's little reason to believe the early church would falsely attribute this Gospel to Mark, who was a second-tier church figure at best.


Gospel of Luke - Evidence associating Luke with his Gospel (as well as the book of Acts) includes the Muratorian Canon (c. A.D. 180-200) as well as the writings of Irenaeus, Clement, and famed early church historian Eusebius.


Gospel of John - The evidence is thinner for John than the others, but Irenaeus and Polycarp (according to Eusebius) both attribute the fourth Gospel to John.




I'm sure you will find false evidence to the contrary.


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Well, like some straight people, I guess I sometimes wonder what it would be like to travel on the other bus..?! Is it an "easier" life? I don't know? Confused now... Us gay folks are supposed to have the edge on fashion and taste, but alas, I let the sides down badly on both! :gag:


Easy doesn't necessarily mean exciting....and exciting doesn't necessarily mean easy.


I know all about gay men and their edge for fashion and taste...I have a good gay friend who tore down my red velour curtains and binned them - seriously! And I love him to bits.


Shall I send him round...he will have you looking good in minutes :D

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Pretty solid proof here Grahame.



Old Testament....where it also says a woman committing adultery would also be stoned to death.....well that's me done for....anyone else care to join me....I am sure I am not the only woman on this forum who strayed whilst in marriage. :)

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Asking Grahame for proof is like trying to reason with a stroppy child fruitless and a waste of time.


You sound very knowledgeable especially as you are someone returned from the dead :hihi:

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Old Testament....where it also says a woman committing adultery would also be stoned to death.....well that's me done for....anyone else care to join me....I am sure I am not the only woman on this forum who strayed whilst in marriage. :)


I've never strayed and hopefully never will.

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Just for the record I am a Christian...and I have a Gay son...of whom I am very proud.


I do not think for one minute that using an old biblical remedy against a Gay man was appropriate....if the young Christian man felt the attention from the Gay man was unwanted then he could have just said so.


I do find that the Christian man has a very unfortunate name though and maybe the Gay man thought it was some sort of advertisement rather than a name. :hihi:


Old Testament - mmm...these were the ancient Jewish laws - well before the birth of Christ. Some Christians still hang on to these old laws completely missing out the fact that Jesus Christ (and thus the New Testament) said nothing more than to love everyone and go out and make disciples. I am a New Testament Christian...I don't want none of the Old Testament rubbish :)

The New Testament also condemns homosexuality.

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You may not have but some women have and do. Are we to be stoned to death as a result. :confused:
Now we have a hint at why there is so much nervousness at and opposition to Sharia Law:D Not realising that we already have the same law in the Bible, makes things easy hey?;)
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Now we have a hint at why there is so much nervousness at and opposition to Sharia Law:D Not realising that we already have the same law in the Bible, makes things easy hey?;)


Mmm...prehistoric laws be they Biblical or Islamic are way over the top in the world we know today....we deem ourselves to be more liberal, understanding and civilised. Perhaps it would not look good if say we had local weekly stonings in Fargate for homosexuals and women of loose virtue - admittedly it might bring more people to town and might bring some money into an already flagging city centre...but is this what we want in 2011???

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