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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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Easy doesn't necessarily mean exciting....and exciting doesn't necessarily mean easy.


I know all about gay men and their edge for fashion and taste...I have a good gay friend who tore down my red velour curtains and binned them - seriously! And I love him to bits.


Shall I send him round...he will have you looking good in minutes :D


He'll have his work cut out! :confused:

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The flood certainly wasn't the work of man (true), and I responded by saying that people attribute natural events to God (true).


I also said that bad things are done by men, to men. (Also true)


So you disagree, yet you agree:confused:.


ALSO julado was talking about stoning and the question was about sex.


It's not for you to answer for other people. Let the person who is asked the question answer it. Otherwise threads become confusing and salient points get overlooked.

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So are you saying being homosexual is not a sin in Christianity ? - that people can have sex with whomever they wish, whether same (sex) or otherwise ?


I would say quite a lot of Protestant's believe exactly that. Look at the threatened split in the Anglican communiun because there are a lot of people, particularly in the UK who want gay clergy to be ordained.


The C of E is in many ways the religious arm of New Labour and political correctness since Rowan Williams took over, they're all very inclusive etc, etc, etc.


In fact I can safely say I have never met anyone C of E under the age of 70 who had much of an issue with people being gay or wo view it as a sin.


After all 'Faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love' and all that so I can't really see anything wrong with two people of the same sex loving each other.

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I'd better avoid Fargate in future, then... I hope John Lewis doesn't ban me for my "evil" deeds...


Old Testament....where it also says a woman committing adultery would also be stoned to death.....well that's me done for....anyone else care to join me....I am sure I am not the only woman on this forum who strayed whilst in marriage. :)


The trouble with enforcing that law, Julado, Blue Moon, would be that there'd be no room for the spectators for this "new" form of "spectator sport", because you wouldn't be able to move, on Fargate, for the "sinners" awaiting their punishment!!! ;)


As for straying, I can hold my hand up, and truthfully say that I have never strayed, but, hey, "chacun à son goût" as the saying goes.

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