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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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I attempted to clarify this in one of my following posts. It's based on my guts, my heart, my head....I suppose it's like intuition really.

And we should accept notions derived from your guts as reliable information sources on the message of a self declared messiah who may have lived some 2,000 years ago why exactly?


I mean there's all kinds of problems with the validity gospel's & rest of the New Testament but compared to your 'guts' they're a superbly reliable source.

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Just found this on a different thread......




Which God would that be exactly then Flowersfade????


Isn't it strange when we feel fear for something....a sick relative....an accident...something out of control....we say things like this.


And when it is looking grim some of us ask God for help...or that a situation will be ok....as in the example quoted.


I am confused as to why someone who mocks me then praises God that no one was killed. :)


It's just a metaphor, and has seeped into our language thanks to the hundreds of years of religion. It doesn't really mean anything. Humans aren't very ogininal when it comes to speech, almost all of us rely on cliches all the time, that's all this is, it doesn't mean anything.


I sometimes say 'oh my god' when I'm shocked, I sometimes say 'by odin's beard', they don't mean anything, except that I'm shocked.

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I was really wanting to know how you define sin as a concept.


The concept of sin only exists to religious people.


I'm not religious, therefore the concept doesn't exist. There is nothing for me to define.


I did however, point out some biblical "sins" for you.

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I have heard similar things from loving parents and I have heard many people baying for the blood of those who have wronged them.

If you've heard parents threatening in all seriousness to brutally murder their children then I hope you informed social services.

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And we should accept notions derived from your guts as reliable information sources on the message of a self declared messiah who may have lived some 2,000 years ago why exactly?


I mean there's all kinds of problems with the validity gospel's & rest of the New Testament but compared to your 'guts' they're a superbly reliable source.


The whole theme of Jesus' teaching is one of love, even the warnings are because of his love for us and this is what comes through in his message of Good News which is the Gospel of Christ unto Salvation. :)


Jesus is love and I thank him for it.


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The whole theme of Jesus' teaching is one of love, even the warnings are because of his love for us and this is what comes through in his message of Good News which is the Gospel of Christ unto Salvation. :)

abused wives will defend their husbands and claim he does it because he loves her too!


I think Plekhanov's analogy to a jealous wifebeater is really quite appropriate.

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Just found this on a different thread......




Which God would that be exactly then Flowersfade????


Isn't it strange when we feel fear for something....a sick relative....an accident...something out of control....we say things like this.



And when it is looking grim some of us ask God for help...or that a situation will be ok....as in the example quoted.


I am confused as to why someone who mocks me then praises God that no one was killed. :)


I do believe in God just not a false one I am intelligent enough to understand other things...

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I take it the voices in your head must have told you my posts can be taken as an expression of belief in any such all powerful sky pixie becauses nothing I've actually posted suggests anything of the sort.


No, it was you, actually.:)


Of course I believe that someone in direct contact with an all knowing superbeing will be able to come up with a better argument than someone without supernatural assistance.

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I do believe in God just not a false one I am intelligent enough to understand other things...


False???? I fail to understand what you are getting at here.


Are you saying my God is false and that I have little intelligence.

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