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28 yr old Christian jailed for murdering 70yr old

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Most don't care.


What most people care about is the thread title, which is about someone using religion as an excuse for a homophobic attack.


And here is the proverbial NAIL.


Westboro Church - Gay haters, Al Qaaeda, and formerly Catholic and Protestant terrorist groups in Northern Ireland - for starters, but the list is endless.....They are people who act out of fear, which is the enemy of love, and therefore the enemy of any religion (requesting they love and respect their neighbour, and don't kill) they profess to represent.:thumbsup:

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You are making too many assumptions and your imagination is working overtime. This is what you do with Christianity.


Read the OP it doesn't take much imagination when he is sole executor of victims estate.


It's you who has an overactive imagination in thinking the bible is not fiction. Read your previous posts when you said you leave out the bad bits when writing your family history thus making it an untrue history just the same as the new and old testament are- not real:roll::roll:

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